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Do you have a brilliant mobile app concept and want to establish your business through this?

Then, before you start developing your mobile app, you should use flutter for MVP development first to ensure you achieve success in the market. 


Flutter is Google’s powerful UI SDK. It allows developers to build beautiful and intuitive user interfaces for mobile applications. But most importantly, it also helps in creating an MVP in mobile app development. 

Facebook, Amazon, Spotify, Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox, and Instacart are highly successful mobile apps. And you would be surprised to know all these iconic apps first were launched in MVP versions. Then after collecting customers’ feedback for some time, companies released updated versions of their apps. So, all these apps got successful through MVP development. 

Hence, if you also aspire to make your mobile app fully successful, then you should focus on creating an MVP. 

And in this blog, we will tell you why flutter is the best option when it comes to creating an MVP app. You will know what features make Flutter for MVP development a reliable and useful technology. 

What is MVP Development?

MVP is a minimum viable product that contains the essential and sufficient features of a product. The purpose of developing an MVP is to validate the idea of a product and check how it performs among real users. 

The core idea behind MVP development is simple-to create a minimalistic version of your concept with enough features. And then, check whether it stands out as per the customer’s expectations.

So MVP development allows you to validate your business concept. You collect feedback from customers and identify their needs and problems to include them in your next version of the product. 

Famous Mobile Apps That Got Succeed After Launching MVP


Why do you need an MVP in mobile app development? 

Developing a mobile app is a complex process. It requires in-depth market research, app ideation and validation, development and testing, and so on. Startups, business people, and entrepreneurs have to invest a significant amount to work with a mobile app development company to build the app as per desired business models. 

But interestingly, if you see market reports, despite putting so much time, effort, and money into mobile app development, many app founders and startups failed to make their app concept successful in the market. 

So why do most startups fail in the industry?

Take a look at the below data

According to a report from CB Insights, one of the top reasons for startup failure is they mostly come up with a mobile app concept that has no market need.

Hence, you can see the major reason why startups fail to make their mobile app successful in the market is not clearly understanding the market needs. And this is where Flutter can help you create an effective MVP mobile app to better understand your audience’s needs. 

What Features Make Flutter The Best Option for MVP Development

What Features Make Flutter The Best Option for MVP Development

1. Minimum app development cost

Flutter is an open-source cross-platform development technology. In flutter app development, developers have to write a single codebase for creating mobile apps for all OS platforms. Hence, Flutter takes less time and effort in mobile app development. As a result, it helps you reduce the mobile app development cost.

And since Flutter is an open source technology. So, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on using this framework. You can easily hire flutter app developers to create an MVP app at a low cost. 

2. Faster MVP App Development 

Flutter is a feature-rich SDK for cross-platform development. It comes with a rich number of ready-made widgets and components that assist Flutter app developers in building apps quickly and easily. Developers don’t need to recompile the code while making changes or fixing bugs in the app. 

Flutter comes with the Hot Reload feature and Dart VM that automatically updates classes and recreates the widgets. Hence, it enhances the coding and development speed. 

3. Better Scalability

The purpose of developing an MVP mobile app is to gauge the audience’s interest. You are already mentally prepared to make changes to your app. In this case, Flutter provides you with great support in updating and rebuilding the app efficiently.

Flutter is a cross-platform development framework that uses only a single codebase. It means you can easily edit the codebase to add new features to your app. Therefore, Flutter allows you to easily and effectively scale your mobile app. 

4. Give Native-Like App Experience

Flutter is a cross-platform development technology. However, mobile apps built with Flutter offer native app-like experience. It has various tools that allow developers to create an app that looks and performs like native mobile apps. 

Flutter is known for its ability to design attractive UI/UX design. You can create an eye-catching user interface quickly for Android and iOS platforms easily. Hence, if you want to build an MVP app that offers the same user experience as Native Android or iOS apps. Then, Flutter is the best option for this. 

5. Attract Investors Easily

Flutter is reliable technology since it is maintained by Google itself. This framework has been utilized by the world’s leading brands in developing various mobile apps. Flutter has a good reputation and reliability in the market.  

Hence, when you create the MVP using Flutter, it helps you attract investors. They can rely on your app performance since it has been built with Flutter which is a modern tech stack. 

Flutter for MVP Development requires minimum resources

Flutter a rich UI SDK framework. It offers a wide range of ready-made widgets and components. As a result, developers do not have to depend on other resources for getting ideas on creating UIs for MVP. 

Apart from this, developers can smoothly integrate other functionalities such as Firebase, AWS, cloud platform, and APIs. Hence, by using flutter for MVP development, you do not have to use premium resources. It requires minimum resources for creating an MVP.

How MVP Helps Your Mobile App Achieving Success?

MVP contains essential and sufficient features. It is developed to get an idea of how it fits customer needs. So when you create an MVP version of your mobile application, it allows you to gauge what your customer really needs from your app. And make changes to your app accordingly. 

Many app owners sometimes have to update or change their app after getting feedback from users. This not only increases their mobile app development cost but also creates a negative impression among the audience. 

But when you initially launch your mobile app with MVP. Then, you identify the right needs of users by collecting their feedback in real-time. And based on this feedback you release the updated version of your mobile application. 

Best mobile app development company highly relies on MVP development to validate their app concept before its launch. Let’s take a look at the benefits of MVP development that help your mobile app achieve success in the consumer market. 

1. Validate Your Idea At The Beginning Stage 

Having a great mobile app idea is no guarantee of success. You need to validate your mobile app concept among the real audience. And with an MVP mobile app, you can do it easily and efficiently.

An MVP mobile app contains enough features that your target audience needs. When you release an app with essential features you can collect feedback to identify their additional needs or find gaps in the app’s performance. Hence, an MVP helps you save from financial loss by validating the app at the beginning stage of mobile app development. 

2. Attract Investors

Attracting investors for your mobile app is not an easy task. Investors study deep into your app to ensure how your app will survive and win in the market, But with MVP development, it can be a little bit easier. 

By collecting real-time data from customers you can present your app in a constructive way to convenience investors. Since you are working with MVP you can further bring innovative features into your app. In this way, the MVP mobile app can help you attract investors. 

3. Save Cost in Mobile App Development

This is one of the major benefits of using Flutter for MVP development. It allows you to save considerable costs in mobile app development. The cost of creating an MVP mobile app doesn’t take a significant amount since it contains only essential features. And it helps you make appropriate changes at the right time and save you from potential financial loss.

To Conclude

Flutter is Google’s powerful UI SDK. It offers rich features and resources to develop an MVP at minimum cost. Apps built with Flutter perform well and give a native-like experience. It helps you create an app at very low costs with high-quality features. Hence, when you use Flutter for MVP development, it helps you deliver the app quickly and make suitable changes efficiently. In this way, Flutter empowers you to achieve success through MVP development. 

How MobileCoderz Can Assist You In Flutter for MVP Development?

MobileCoderz is the top flutter app development company that has delivered many mobile apps with beta versions and MVP. We have the industry’s most qualified and expert flutter app developers who have great excellence in using Flutter for MVP development.

If you have a mobile app concept and want to test it with an MVP version, collaborate with MobileCoderz and we will build you a high-performing MVP mobile app with Flutter at a cost-efficient budget.

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How to Develop a Flutter Web Application? https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/flutter-web-application-development/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/flutter-web-application-development/#respond Mon, 23 May 2022 13:25:22 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=8447 There is a huge demand for cross-platform apps in the age of the skyrocketing app development industry. Thus, it has become essential for businesses to develop apps for multiple platforms. Developers prefer Flutter for developing amazing cross-platform apps for Android, iOS, and the web. When businesses invest in Flutter web app development, they are able […]

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There is a huge demand for cross-platform apps in the age of the skyrocketing app development industry. Thus, it has become essential for businesses to develop apps for multiple platforms. Developers prefer Flutter for developing amazing cross-platform apps for Android, iOS, and the web. When businesses invest in Flutter web app development, they are able to create highly scalable and robust applications. 

Continue reading this blog to learn how Flutter for web apps is ideal for developing your web application. 

What is Flutter Web App Development ?

Flutter web app development helps you in the development of complex web apps, graphically intensive, and interactive content to engage the end-users on a variety of devices. In fact, it provides a delivery model based on various web browsers for existing Flutter apps. It even works with Windows Apps.

In Flutter web app development, you will be able to render the apps smoothly just like your iOS or Android apps. In fact, you will be able to convert your development project into native code when you want to deploy the app. Flutter apps are almost smooth as native apps. However, the performance also heavily depends on the web browser and devices’ hardware capabilities.

Why Do Businesses Prefer Flutter Web App Development?

Businesses prefer Flutter web app development because it offers them a faster development process, reduction in development cost, and allows them to implement interactive designs and smooth animations. 

Flutter web app development gives them the perfect solution to develop a mobile and web app at the same time with the same codebase. Plus, it also offers an incredible user interface and experience that engages the users. Many businesses prefer Flutter since it is a cost-effective way of developing an MVP to showcase to the investors for investment purposes. Lastly, the fact that Flutter for web apps is backed by Google gives you an assurance of a bright future for this framework. You have the guarantee that Google will be releasing new updates and fix the existing bugs.  

How to Develop a Flutter Web Application?

Today, Flutter has become one of the most famous and prominent cross-platform frameworks. Big global companies like Alibaba, Google, BMW, Dream11, eBay and several others are using it to create mobile and web apps. Thus, let’s see how you can create your own Flutter app; 

Requirements in Flutter Web App Development

Before we dive into the development process, we should understand the requirements for Flutter web app development; 

  • You have to first install the Flutter SDK  
  • Then, you will need Google Chrome as Flutter for web apps relies on it for debugging web apps 
  • You will also need an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like Android Studio, Visual Studio, or IntelliJ IDEA for effective Flutter web app development 
  • You might also need to install Dart and Flutter plugins to enable language support and tools. 

Programming Language Used in Flutter

Google had developed Flutter, which is based on the Dart programming language. This new language has the goal of replacing the classic JavaScript. For this reason, Dart programs can directly run on a server. The web browser converts the code into JavaScript with the help of the Dart2js trans compiler.

Steps of Flutter Web App Development

Step-Up the Editor

In the first step, you have to set up Flutter for web apps on your preferred editor. Then, you have to run it with the commands of your preference. In Flutter web app development, you have the option to use the current version or the stable version. Above all, choosing the stable version is a sensible decision because it provides better stability and reliability for the ideal development environment. 

Create and Execute

When you have the power of the latest web app development tools, the development becomes a lot easier, quicker, and smoother. You can just begin by creating a new project from the chosen IDE or with a command line. Unfortunately, the ‘hot reload’ option is still not there in Flutter web app development. Instead, we have to rely on the ‘hot restart’ option to launch the app quickly. 

Building and Deploying

You might need to hire flutter app developers from a Flutter app development company to run the command for generating the release build. Furthermore, you can utilize the ‘Flutter build web’ or release mode for fulfilling a directory with in-built files. These files are very useful for developers to understand the project structure and its key features to finish the final product. 

Working on the Design

The UI/UX elements are the most important elements of a mobile or web application. In fact, it determines the complete interactivity with its users or admins. However, the design of the web app depends on the web app type. In any case, you have to make sure your web app’s intent is very clear to the users. Thus, they will be able to understand your business at first glance itself. Furthermore, you have to be very precise and decisive with font, color palette, size, format, and other UI elements.

Working on the Images 

Next, you have to work on the images to make them compatible with the web application. In Flutter web app development, you must know that the web supports the standard ‘image’ widget to show the images to users. However, you might face certain limitations during image customization because Flutter gives more options to mobile devices than on the web.

Working with the Web Renderer

You don’t need to worry about web rendering because Flutter will automatically choose the web renderer while you are trying to create an app. For example, an app will automatically run with the HTML renderer if it gets executed on a mobile browser. Plus, an app will automatically choose Canvas kit while being executed on desktop browsers. However, when you hire flutter app developers, you have the free hand to change the web renderer according to your requirements.

Proper Minification 

In Flutter web app development, you never need to worry about minification. The Flutter framework is intelligent enough to handle the job minification by itself. In fact, it effectively removes unnecessary or redundant data in the mobile app development process. 

Testing the Web App

Developers have the option to easily test their application in the Flutter web app development process. You should first run the code on the Google Chrome platform to check its integrity and reliability. The web app will start compiling and then get executed on the browser automatically. 


After completing the testing process, you have to deploy the app to a trustworthy hosting service. Thus, this will help you ensure that your apps have flawless performance and incredible security. A Flutter app development company can help to choose the most relevant hosting service from GitHub Pages, Google Cloud Hosting, Firebase hosting, etc.

Features That You Should Consider Adding During Flutter for Web App Development 

The list of features on your Flutter web app would ultimately determine the user experience and interactivity with the end-users. Thus, you have to be very decisive and careful while listing down the features of the Flutter web app. A Flutter app development company can help you align your business intent and user behavior with your app. Above all, the web app must be very accessible, fast, easy and fulfilling to use. 

  • Include a search box or a navigation bar to help users to discover their desired information
  • Use compressed images for user readability, faster loading times, and responsive design
  • A push notification system to keep the users notified about the latest news and updates 
  • Branding Information that will help you to create a brand identity and explain your offerings 
  • An easy to understand dashboard to help your marketing and SEO team to understand and analyze user activity 
  • Integration of a content management system to effectively manage content-heavy web apps

Technical Edge with Flutter Web App Development?

Using Flutter gives you access to an open-source mobile app development platform to create mobile and web apps. It is being heavily supported by Google to help developers to create cross-platform apps. These are some reasons for considering Flutter web app development; 

  • It is a very flexible cross-platform app development framework
  • Developers are able to rely on a single codebase for developing mobile apps and web apps
  • Flutter gives a very consistent and uniform experience across different platforms 
  • Developers are able to prototype much faster when they are using the Flutter framework
  • The in-app performance is almost the same as a Native app 
  • The developers are able to customize the features of the app with ease 
  • The Hot Reloading features in Flutter web might be very complicated if you don’t have an experienced team 

Things to Consider While Using Flutter for Web

These are some notable points that you should know in Flutter web app development; 

  • You can use Flutter Web for creating single-page applications 
  • It is possible for a web developer to change the native code 
  • You must make your Flutter app web responsive so that it could adapt to different devices with different screen sizes 
  • Although you will find various packages that support web apps, it would be best to learn about the supported platforms before you start coding. 

Are You Looking for the Best Flutter App Development Company?

If you are looking forward to developing an innovative web application with Flutter, then MobileCoderz is the best flutter app development company with expertise in creating Flutter web apps. In fact, we have years of extensive experience in Flutter web app development. You can hire Flutter app developers to create industry-leading web apps to achieve your business goals. Flutter could be the right way towards perfect digital transformation and mobile app development. Moreover, we take the extra mile to provide custom Flutter web app development services to our clients for complete satisfaction. This has helped us to build an extensive portfolio of hundreds of clients coming from diverse industry verticals. 

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Flutter Or React Native: What to choose for Cross-Platform App Development? https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/what-to-choose-for-cross-platform-app-development-flutter-or-react-native/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/what-to-choose-for-cross-platform-app-development-flutter-or-react-native/#respond Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:16:23 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=4200 Every business today wants to release an app on Google Play and App Store. The trick is that you must choose a technology stack before you can ship a mobile app to the market. What technology stack will it be? Flutter or React Native?  Most cross-platform applications are built using React Native or Flutter only. […]

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Every business today wants to release an app on Google Play and App Store. The trick is that you must choose a technology stack before you can ship a mobile app to the market. What technology stack will it be? Flutter or React Native? 

Most cross-platform applications are built using React Native or Flutter only. So, they are rapidly growing in popularity, surpassing the overall competition. Which one is worth your money and time? This post will discuss Flutter, React Native, as well as their differences, so you can decide which is best for you.

Flutter vs. React Native: Popularity

React Native and Flutter are two frameworks examples that you can use to develop many. Let’s see how popular they are.

Flutter app development is used to create apps such as:

#Google Ads

Google ads were created by the developer to track and optimize ad campaign performance.

# Grab

Grab acts as a merchant app, which people use to order food delivery services.

# Stadia

Stadia is similar in concept to Google’s gaming service. You can also hire best Flutter app developers and get the same features as this app in your project. 

# eBay Motors

This app allows people to browse, buy, and sell various vehicles via their phone or laptop.

# Baidu Tieba

It is the largest communication platform in Chinese.


It’s an application that reduces the paperwork of KFC. 

React Native is used to create the following apps:

# Facebook

It’s a popular social network app. You can also create a social media app like Facebook by hiring the best Flutter app development company and developer.

# Walmart

It’s also a popular app that enables you to shop for different products and items.

# Bloomberg  

It’s an app for business news that offers access to exclusive content, live feeds, and videos related to business.

# UberEATS  

It’s used for food delivery services.

# Wix

This app lets you create and manage websites and mobile apps.

# Skype

This is a video conference app that almost everyone has heard of.

Differences between Flutter and React Native

The language ReactJS and Flutter app development have a lot in common. We will now examine the differences between Flutter and ReactJS.

1. Programming Language of Flutter and React Native

The most necessary factor when selecting a framework is a programming language. The popularity of a programming language decides the availability of experts, developers’ community size, end-product quality, and speed of the development.

  • Flutter

Flutter app development operates on Dart language for application development. This Java-like programming language is optimized to develop client applications for web, mobile, and server-side platforms. It uses strict typing which makes code maintenance and debugging easier. Dart is an innovative and rapidly-developing language. It is balanced and incorporates many modern approaches.

  • React Native

React Native uses React to build user interfaces using JavaScript. React allows you to write code faster but is tough to debug & maintain. It is a popular language for developing web applications.  

It offers multiple open-source libraries to solve practical web problems. This is a huge advantage for JavaScript-based ecosystems since the talent pool is much larger.

2. The Architecture of Flutter and React Native

Framework architecture is the second most important criterion. These factors affect development ease and speed, custom task extensions, and final product quality.

  • Flutter

Flutter is a framework to develop UI apps that has a Skia engine at the lowest level. This engine is also used in Android and Chrome. Flutter app development can render its components at 60FPS thanks to this engine. Flutter displays the Flutter UI using its own widget library. This allows for seamless UI operation and high performance. 

It also unifies the UI appearance, regardless of OS version. The applications will look identical on both newer Android versions and older versions up to version 4.4. Also, if you want a cost-effective app, you can hire Flutter app developers from India as they have affordable charges.

  • React Native

JavaScript is used to make React Native work as a bridge between native operating system components and JS code. React Native applications closely resemble native apps because of this approach. This approach can cause performance issues due to the inability to interpret JavaScript code when the application runs.

3. Development/SDK API of React Native and Flutter 

A good SDK architecture with ready-made components and widgets that speed up development is an important aspect of choosing a development tool company.

  • Flutter

Flutter SDK is a tool for rapid UI development. It includes a large library of widgets. You can get ready-made implementations for most of the modern UI patterns like Sidebar navigation and Tabs navigation. The widget library supports Apple Human Guidelines and Google Material Design. Once you hire best Flutter app developers they can quickly prototype and develop a UI that looks native on iOS and Android.

The widget library is open-source. This gives developers almost limitless possibilities to customize and expand existing functionality without having to use native components. It also offers excellent rendering speed for various animations and UI.

React Native

React Native SDK as compared to  Flutter app development comes with a limited set of widgets. It expects developers to use third-party solutions to make it work with native UI components. So, developers are at risk of facing problems connecting these components because they use native platform code. Hence, developers must be ready for problems when connecting to platforms and should be able to navigate the platform easily. 

4. Documentation and Development Tools 

Software development kits should be easy to use, set up and maintain. An SDK that is great should be simple to use and easy to learn.

  • Flutter

The Flutter SDK includes a full set of tools to help you develop and debug applications. You can merely hire Flutter app developers from India and get started with these tools. These include integration with popular IDEs, tools for monitoring and debugging applications, and automation. It also features the “Hot-reload” feature, which allows you to run new code without having to restart the application. This greatly reduces debugging time. Flutter app development is a great toolkit for developers to help them through all aspects of app development and setup.

  • React Native

React is similar to Flutter. It includes a hot reload feature that allows mobile UIs to incorporate code changes faster. React Native developers can reuse web app code for developing desktop apps.

React Native’s documentation base has a robust documentation and tutorials library that is actively supported by its large developer community.

What To Choose From React Native Or Flutter For App Development

React Native is an excellent framework for creating native and cross-platform apps. But Flutter app development is better at creating integrations and MVP apps.

Choose React Native, if

  • Your company needs to scale the existing apps with cross-platform modules  
  • You want lightweight native apps.
  • You want to craft shared APIs from scratch.
  • Your goal is to create an app that can be accessed instantly and has a super-high responsive UI.
  • You have sufficient time and money to hire developers for the project.  

Choose Flutter app development if,

  • You have to write codes fast and ship them to the market.  
  • Your app doesn’t require full native functionality.
  • Delivery timeframes and budgets are very limited.
  • Your goal is to create apps at 60 FPS or 120 FPS.
  • You want to customize the UI without relying on widgets and testing.

Some Last Words

So, you can see that there is no clear winner. Both React Native, as well as Flutter, have their own advantages and weaknesses. Only your experience, goals, and requirements will determine the best choice for you. 

Are you looking for developers to launch a new project from scratch or support the main team? Select the best Flutter app development company such as MobileCoderz. Our team of trained developers is ready to help. 

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Google Introduces Flutter 2.10 For Windows Apps https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/flutter-2-10-for-windows-apps/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/flutter-2-10-for-windows-apps/#comments Fri, 04 Feb 2022 10:30:40 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=4190 Google announced an important update to Flutter. Developers can share code across platforms using this open-source framework. Flutter 2.10 brings stable support to Windows apps in Flutter. This is the most significant change. The Flutter app development 2.10 framework lets developers create Android, Linux, iOS, & web-compatible desktop applications. Google points out that mobile apps […]

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Google announced an important update to Flutter. Developers can share code across platforms using this open-source framework. Flutter 2.10 brings stable support to Windows apps in Flutter. This is the most significant change. The Flutter app development 2.10 framework lets developers create Android, Linux, iOS, & web-compatible desktop applications.

Google points out that mobile apps are not the same as desktop apps. Computers can use more input methods and have larger screens than smartphones. The APIs used by apps running on PCs differ from those on Android and iOS. Google needed to optimize Flutter Windows for these reasons. With new updates, it gives an opportunity to strengthen the market for Flutter App Development Company & Flutter app developers.

Windows & Flutter

Flutter was founded in 2012 by the Flutter app development Team. Its goal was to be a mobile app on iOS and Android, but also to reach other platforms such as web and desktop. Flutter is its core, spanning platforms: its user-friendly, hardware-accelerated Skia graphics engine, Flutter’s rendering engine, and the dozens of widgets it offers, like theming, animation, input, & internationalization.

Desktop apps can run on larger screens than mobile apps via Flutter app development. They can be used with keyboards or mice, and other input devices. They are often used with widescreen monitors and have resizable windows. There are several conventions to help with critical issues such as input method editors, accessibility, & visual styling. These apps integrate with the different APIs of the underlying operating platform: desktop applications support everything from file system selectors to device hardware to data storage like the Windows registry.

Flutter has been brought to Windows by the team at Flutter. However, Flutter was also adapted for Windows. Here is what we know about Flutter 2.10.

Flutter 2.10: Big Updates for Windows, iOS & Android

The Flutter 2.10 release, released today, includes support for creating Windows apps at a production-quality level. There are also many other improvements, features, and bug fixes in Flutter 2.10. You can get all the details here.

Material 3

The “useMaterial3” flag added to Flutter app development now makes it possible to use some Material Design widgets. Among the other Material You enhancements, Flutter has a new “ColorScheme.fromSeed” option that allows you to create entire palettes for your app using a single color, similar to how Android 12 themes its apps are based on the colors in your wallpaper.

Enhancement of Productivity


Flutter has now released an initial version that supports dirty region management. This was provided by Knopp, a Flutter app development community member. He’s allowed partial repaints to a single dirty location on iOS/Metal. This change led to a reduction in rasterization times of the 90th & 99th percentiles on a handful of benchmarks. Further, it reduced GPU usage to less than 9% from over 92% on these benchmarks. As they continue to develop the picture record format, they expect this optimization to be expanded to cover more cases.

Dart code is built ahead of native code in release & profile modes. The complete type flow analysis of a program reveals numerous compiler optimizations and tree shaping. This is the key to this code’s efficiency and small size. The type flow analysis can be costly as it must cover all programs. This Flutter app development release has a faster implementation for type flow analysis

Web Upgrades

The web also has some improvements in this release. It was not working properly in previous releases when scrolling to an edge of a text field with multiple lines. In this release, the edge-scrolling feature is introduced. When the selection moves out of the text box, the field will scroll to display the scroll extent. This new behavior can be used in web & desktop applications.

Flutter 2.10 also features a significant improvement to the web. They strive to minimize the overhead involved in mapping Flutter to the web. They used to need an overlay in order to add a native HTML element into Flutter. Each of these overlays allows for custom painting but comes with some overhead. It can be a burden if there are many native HTML widgets present in your app. They’ve released a new “nonpainting platform view” that removes all that overhead.

Integration Testing Updates

Integration testing has seen further improvements, with integration_test now being included in the Flutter app development SDK. With this, it is easier to integrate with your application. A new migration guide is available if you want to move your existing Flutter_driver tests over to integration_test. Integration_test also includes many updates to the codelabs, docs, & samples.

Flutter DevTools


In this release, Flutter app development DevTools are updated. Instead of having to use pub global active to download and execute the current version, you can now use dart devtools instead. As a result, you will have the most recent version compatible with your version of Flutter. They also provided usability improvements, including better support for inspecting large lists or maps in the Debugger variables panel.

VSCode Upgrades

Flutter’s Visual Studio Code extension now has a variety of enhancements. There are now more colored previews in your code along with a color picker that updates it automatically. If you would like to be a tester for prerelease versions, you can switch between pre-release versions within your extension settings.

Android Upgrade

This version also includes a few improvements for Android. Flutter defaults to the latest Android version when you create an app. They’ve also enabled multidex support in this release. If your app has an Android SDK version below 21 and exceeds the 64K limit, you can pass the –multidex flag via flutter build app bundle or by flutter build apk. Your app will now support multidex.

iOS Upgrade

Along with performance improvements, they have also added some platform-specific enhancements and features. Luckysmg has added smoother keyboard animations to iOS. It is available automatically by default within Flutter app development.

It has become more difficult to maintain the target devices due to decreased usage and reduced support for iOS 9.3.6, so it is moving from Supported to Best Effort. Therefore, support for iOS 9.3.6 & 32-bit iOS devices will only be maintained via coding practices, and community testing will be ad-hoc.

Closing Notes

This latest upgrade in Flutter with the 2.10 version onboard, it is inevitable to give your development process and upgrades a boost. With Windows compatibility, this Flutter also brings support for iOS and Android. Flutter is going to bring a change in the app industry with release notes soon to unveil more notes updates.

With such updates, you need a top Flutter App Development Company & hire Flutter app developers for effective development. MobileCoderz, an established Flutter App Development Company, is your perfect destination for your Flutter app development projects. Hire Flutter app developers with top-notch expertise and make your apps flourish in the rising app industry. 

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Why is Flutter the Best Mobile App Development Framework? https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/why-is-flutter-the-best-mobile-app-development-framework/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/why-is-flutter-the-best-mobile-app-development-framework/#comments Tue, 18 Jan 2022 13:54:22 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=4099 Flutter is transforming mobile app development. In 2018, when Google released Flutter, the Internet was buzzing around the discussions of how a framework can support cross-platform development with a non-java programming language. And today, BMW, Alibaba, eBay, Dream11, Tencent, Toyota, from big brands to small startups, multiple businesses are choosing Flutter as their favorite framework […]

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Flutter is transforming mobile app development. In 2018, when Google released Flutter, the Internet was buzzing around the discussions of how a framework can support cross-platform development with a non-java programming language.

And today, BMW, Alibaba, eBay, Dream11, Tencent, Toyota, from big brands to small startups, multiple businesses are choosing Flutter as their favorite framework for mobile application development. Flutter has become one of the top choices of startups, enterprises, and business organizations for developing mobile apps with compelling UI for mobile, web, and desktop. 

Flutter has helped various companies in achieving their business goals with the efficient app development process. So it is worth learning what reasons made Flutter the most chosen mobile application development framework, and in this blog, you learn. 

What is Flutter?

Flutter is Google’s open-source UI software development kit which is used to build cross-platform mobile applications for Android, iOS, Linux Windows, and other mobile operating systems. It allows mobile app developers to design responsive and eye-catching UI that feels like native applications.

Flutter is that it is the only development framework that supports app development without using a Javascript bridge. In Flutter app development, you can smoothly integrate the app with other platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows, MAC, etc. 

The Growing Popularity of Flutter 

 Flutter is continuously witnessing its growth despite unprecedented challenges. According to AppBrain’s recent data, there are over 19 thousand apps built using Flutter and it has a total number of over 9 billion downloads. 

Google reports that the share of Flutter app developers has broken into various categories like creative agencies, enterprises, individual developers, startups. 

The Flutter SDK uses the Dart programming language(intended to replace JavaScript), which is easy to learn. It uses object-oriented programming for any element. It uses a single codebase that allows developers to create a mobile app quickly while saving a lot of mobile app development costs. Flutter is considered a highly useful cross-platform mobile app development framework. Therefore, the demand for the best Flutter app developers is growing significantly in the market. 

Flutter: Best Mobile App Development Framework

There are various cross-platform development frameworks that can perform the same things. But why companies are choosing Flutter makes a big sense.

1. Consistent UI Across All Platforms

Using Flutter, Developers can employ the same UI and logic across all the platforms. It allows developers to share the UI code and UI itself. Whereas in other frameworks, developers need to work with components that are platform-specific that need widget data synchronization and property mapping layer. Look at the below canvas that shows how it works.

2. Faster App Development

Flutter has a Skia graphics library that is fast and a solid graphics library with robust backend support. It has a shooting speed of up to 120 fps which provides a fast and seamless user interface. Flutter uses a single codebase, with features like hot reload or hot restart developers can view changes in the code within one second and as a result, it improves the productivity of developers and reduces the time consumed in app development. 

3. Multiple IDE Support

Flutter offers great support with multiple IDEs to reduce the complexity of your mobile application. Usually, developers don’t prefer to switch to another IDE when they are familiar with the previous one. Here, Flutter gives access to a large number of IDEs like Intellij, VC Code, Android Studio, etc which eases the development effort and saves time. 

4. Native Performance

Native app development costs a lot and not every company can’t afford it. It offers the best user experience and that is why most businesses prefer this type of app development. However, with Flutter, developers can create apps directly from the machine code- no need for using any intermediate code interpretations. Flutter eliminates bugs and gives native app-like performance across multiple OS platforms which reduce the additional cost involved. 

5. Easy to Understand 

Dart is Google’s own programming language. It is a one-source and general-purpose language and therefore, it is easy to learn and implement into the coding. And the way Flutter app developer community size is increasing, there is a high number of code examples available that support beginners to start with Flutter development. Since Dart is an object-oriented programming language similar to C, you can Hire Flutter App Developers with basic coding knowledge to create simple apps. 

6. Faster Deployment

In today’s cutting-edge competition, it is crucial to enter the market with solutions for consumers who are waiting. Otherwise, your competitors might avail this chance and develop the solution first and win your future customers. 

For this purpose, Flutter works best. It reduces the development time as well as cost which allows you to develop the app faster and deploy it to the market quickly. It takes up to 80 percent of the code in Flutter which is faster than other frameworks. 

Its declarative APIs improve the performance and the AI-based hot reload feature saves a lot of time to enable developers to build the app quickly and accurately. So it reduces the development time and allows you to launch your app before your competitors. 

7. Broader Market Reach

Since Flutter is a cross-platform development framework, you can deploy Flutter apps on any platform from iOS to Android or Windows, including all types of devices be it smartphones, smart TVs, tablets. So where is the advantage here? Of course, with one framework you have now a broad market reach to provide the app-based solution.

8. Simple Logic Implementation

App development has become a bigger industry and is highly affected by what new features are introduced in every smartphone so app development companies can customize their app accordingly. Today, smartphones are coming with various advanced features such as GPS, Bluetooth, data analytics, which require intelligent apps to enable its features. 

End Notes

Flutter has already surpassed various popular frameworks and broken the traditional coding practices by introducing its own programming language Dart. It bridges the gap between the technology and common people and reduces the risks and coding flaws that hamper a company’s budget and resources. With all the above features, Flutter has become one of the top choices of numerous companies and developers in mobile application development. 

But you should keep in mind that Flutter is an intelligent software development kit or you can say a machine that gives you more power to create something amazing for users. The smart decision would be to use Flutter with a professional company that knows how to utilize its full potential. 

MobileCoderz is a top-notch Flutter app development company that has built many apps using Flutter for global clients. If you have a project in mind, Book a Call right now and discuss your idea with our Flutter experts. 

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Top Ways Flutter is Setting the Trend in Mobile App Development https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/flutter-is-setting-the-trend-in-mobile-app-development/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/flutter-is-setting-the-trend-in-mobile-app-development/#respond Tue, 04 Jan 2022 10:47:23 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=3964 Flutter apps are something we all have used as it’s a cross-platform app development platform that offers a great quality experience to both developers and users. Google’s Flutter app development services are rapidly gaining popularity in the coding community. Hybrid apps are becoming a common practice in global IT. Today, hybrid mobile app services are […]

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Flutter apps are something we all have used as it’s a cross-platform app development platform that offers a great quality experience to both developers and users.

Google’s Flutter app development services are rapidly gaining popularity in the coding community. Hybrid apps are becoming a common practice in global IT. Today, hybrid mobile app services are preferred by enterprises over native apps because they reduce development time and cost.

Flutter app development has emerged as the leading hybrid solution in mobile application development. This open-source technology is gaining acclaim for its ability to build stable, user-friendly apps and speedy market processes for businesses. Let’s take a detailed look at Flutter app development services to see how it is bringing a new trend in the industry.

How Flutter is Setting App Development Trends: 11 Crucial Points

1. Single Codebase

Flutter’s unique codebase feature makes it easy to develop mobile apps. A single codebase eliminates the traditional restrictions where developers had to write different code depending on the platform. This now makes the process easier. Now Flutter developers need to create code only once in Android and iPhone. So, it is preferred by most developers because of this. Flutter’s cross-platform development framework makes it easier for both developers and users to design, speed up, and improve the overall quality of an application.

2. Excellent Code and App Testing


Flutter’s application development process is extremely subtle and precise. The single codebase makes the entire process quick and simple. Developers can reuse code in multiple plugins thanks to the single codebase, which reduces time. A single test of quality assurance can verify the features and functionality of the code in testing. Many companies want to hire best Flutter app developers because of this feature.

3. Hot Reloading Feature

This feature is a big win for Flutter development services. Developers can view any change made to the code immediately with Hot Reloading. This feature allows developers to view the progress of their code side-by-side during development. This feature can improve the productivity of different developers.

This feature can also be used to fix bugs and make it possible to modify the app in real-time. Make sure you hire best Flutter app developers who can see any changes immediately, so there’s no need for the app to be reloaded.

4. Easy Maintenance

When you hire best Flutter app developers the major task is maintaining the app after the project is finished. However, Flutter’s modular architecture makes it easy to use and maintain. Developers have the option to use hot reload for fast app optimization. Google’s plugin-based approach allows them to easily extend Flutter apps’ capabilities. Flutter development is easy and fast, making it an enjoyable tool. All operating systems can utilize the same code. Its simple code helps with the development of the user interface. This code plays a crucial role in repairing bugs. Flutter is extremely easy to use. There is no need for expensive programming machines. You can also get it for free so that you can immediately start using it.

5. Ideal for MVP

Flutter is worth considering as it’s the fastest way to create your MVP (Minimum Viable Products) for any app. Simply put a little time and effort to create an MVP in Flutter.

Flutter SDK requires less code because almost all codes can be swapped between Android and iOS apps. Flutter app development services are significantly cheaper for startups, especially for MVPs.

6. Simple Installation and Maintenance

It is easy to create and maintain Flutter apps because there is only one codebase. This improves performance and reduces maintenance. Flutter’s maintenance is simple because of the single code that is used. The team members can quickly spot the problem and make changes without having to go back and forth with the codes. It’s easy on the wallet as you don’t require to invest in super expensive machines. With the help of the team, anyone can easily create a Flutter application. This is the reason why Flutter app development in India is so popular.

7. MVP for Investors

Flutter Framework is a program that allows you to create cross-platform native apps for mobile devices. Flutter allows developers to create apps with one code, rather than writing separate codes for iOS and Android. This saves time making it simpler to create prototypes. A top notch Flutter app development company allows you to create your next mobile application so you can share your minimum viable products with investors. Also, Flutter is quicker than traditional prototype development and testing. It makes it simple to present MVP to investors via mobile app development.

8. Better Widgets for Excellent Interaction

Widgets make the app’s interface interactive and more appealing. The Flutter framework has many feature-rich widgets that can be utilized in each industry sector. Flutter also offers a wide variety of widgets such as fonts, scrolling, and navigation. You can easily customize these elements to fit your online business model. These elements can simply be adjusted to fit any size screen. With the help of widgets, Flutter mobile apps can offer a seamless experience.

9. Modification and Customization are Super Easy

Flutter manages every aspect of app development, from development and maintenance to testing and customization.

Flutter-powered apps are simple to modify because of the single codebase.

The app’s long-term performance is maintained by easy maintenance. Any problem in the codebase can easily be fixed in minutes. Developers can eliminate the hassle of writing code by using a single codebase.

So, entrepreneurs don’t need to spend more on Flutter app maintenance and customization than they do on other platforms. They can just contact the best Flutter app development company and leave the work on them.

10. Massive Support From Google

Flutter is developed and maintained by Google, as we all know this. Google supports Flutter developers by providing frequent updates and problem fixes. Google is not the only one as there are also ready-made SDKs available for many Google products like Firebase.

11. More Transparency Equals Greater Confidence

Developers are continually thinking about security. This covers the entire development process, from deployment to testing, and even beyond. Flutter detects potential vulnerabilities and warns you when they exist before they cause damage. You can relax about your Flutter app security, and you will get the most encrypted app. Hire the best developers from a top notch Flutter app development company and they will do the rest. You won’t be disappointed.

The Flutter is Future

The most crucial aspect of app development is delivering the projects timely. Flutter’s unique selling point is its speed of development. This reduces time-to-market as well as project costs for businesses. The platform’s efficiency is enhanced by its third-party libraries as well as ready-to use components. So, Flutter is a promising technology for app developers.

Flutter has it all: incredible cross-platform user experience, amazing features, and exceptional app performance. And all this without breaking the bank. Companies with tight budgets should also start working with the best Flutter app development company experts to transform their app ideas into real business solutions.

For the best Flutter app development services, you can trust MobileCoderz. With 300+ satisfied clients and 400+ projects, we always give our customers satisfaction with our services.

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What’s New in Flutter 2.8 Upgrade? https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/whats-new-in-flutter-2-8-version/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/whats-new-in-flutter-2-8-version/#respond Thu, 16 Dec 2021 14:55:09 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=3854 Flutter 2.8 is the most recent upgrade to Google’s widely hybrid app development suite. It includes an automatic speed boost along with brand new functions to support Dart. If you’ve never tried it, Flutter is an application development platform that lets you create applications to run on Android, iOS, Windows, and more. It uses the […]

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Flutter 2.8 is the most recent upgrade to Google’s widely hybrid app development suite. It includes an automatic speed boost along with brand new functions to support Dart.

If you’ve never tried it, Flutter is an application development platform that lets you create applications to run on Android, iOS, Windows, and more. It uses the same source code. Since the release of Flutter 2, the program has seen an incredible increase in popularity. Google lists 375,000 Flutter applications in the Play Store & more than half of them have launched in May.

Recently, Flutter got upgraded to the Flutter 2.8 version. The team focused on enhancing the performance of apps running on mobile devices. If you upgrade to Flutter 2.8, you’ll get many improvements. Your apps will run faster and consume less memory. Google is investing heavily in the improvements to Flutter. Many of their most popular apps such as Google Pay and Stadia are designed on it.

Introducing Flutter 2.8!

Flutter is a mobile desktop, web, and mobile development platform using the same SDK. Developers can concentrate on the things they need to build. It also eliminates the hassle of choosing a platform for developing apps. Flutter is a high-performance framework with high productivity. Through one code base, developers are able to target different platforms to develop apps. But what’s new with the Flutter 2.8 version? New Updates, Flame Game Development, Web View Platform 3.0, Flutter Tools updates, and more!

New Updates, New Flutter

The biggest improvement Flutter app developers have brought is reduced startup latency. The improvements were tested against Google Play. According to Chris Sells, the app performed 50% better on low-end Android devices and 10% better on high-end devices.

The Flutter apps will therefore start faster and use less memory than before, which will improve their performance.

1. Flame Game Development

A majority of developers believe that Flutter is only to develop apps. But, there are many developers developing games using Flutter. Flutter developers from various communities are benefiting from the graphics acceleration capabilities provided by Flutter.

Flutter has announced the release of Flame 1.0, a 2D gaming engine. Flame offers everything you need to make your game fast. It also comes with an element system with animated sprites and images collision detection, as well as many other features.

Development teams can enhance Flame with other packages by integrating other libraries. For instance, you could join Flame with other packages like Rive Forge2D, Rive, Fire Atlas etc. This combination can offer a solution that can be used for 2D gaming development. If you’re interested in developing games consider checking out Flame.

2. Web View Platform 3.0

The latest release also enhanced the performance of the platform views in Flutter web. Flutter web app allows this to be done through HtmlElementView widget. This widget lets you host HTML elements within your Flutter web app. Users use platform views by default if they utilize Google Maps’ Flutter web version plugin.

In the earlier version, the canvas is created when you add the view of platforms. Additionally, a new canvas is added every time you embed an element to the view platform. These additional canvases cost money to produce because each one is larger than the entire window. This update reuses canvases that were made for earlier platform views. This means that instead of suffering the expense of 60x each second, you are able to bear only once. This implies that your web app could have several HtmlElementView instances, without affecting performance.

Webview_flutter provides a range of popular features in Flutter web app:

  • Support for POST and GET to populate content (4450 4479, 4480 4573, 4479, 4450)
  • Loading HTML from strings and files (4446 4446, 4486, 4558)
  • Background support (3431 4569, 3531, 3531)
  • Cookies are written before loading the content (4555, 4556, and 4557)

3. Dart 2.15 Incorporation

With Flutter 2.8 on board came the incorporation of Dart 2.15 on 8th December, 2021. Call it a successful attempt and quite feasible. Beyond all this, Dart 2.15 introduces “constructor tear-offs”. It allows you to call a class’s constructor by name in cases like “forEach()” as well as “map ()”. Based upon the nature of the application’s code, this may be particularly useful for the development of Flutter UI.

In addition, Google is also taking time to announce their partnership with Flame. It is a game engine built upon Flutter & has reached 1.0 stable version as of today. Flame is fully ready for 2D games, fully with game loops and the necessary tools to support animation, and mapping.

4. DartPad Improvements

There are also improvements to DartPad. The biggest improvement is the support for a large number of packages. Flutter 2.8 Dartpad has 23 packages that are available to import. This list includes packages like block characters collection, google_fonts and more. It is expected that the DartPad team will keep adding new packages.

There’s a third DartPad feature that’s pretty great. As of now, the most recent stable version is always available on DartPad. With such an upgrade, you will be able to access the New Channel menu from the status bar. You can choose the most recent beta channel release as well as the stable version prior to it.

5. Flutter DevTools

To identify problems with performance, this edition of DevTools comes with a feature called “Enhance Tracing” feature. This aids in diagnosing UI issues that result from costly layout, build and paint operations. When these tracing features are activated, the Timeline contains the latest events of widgets laid out in the appropriate manner.

Additionally, this version of DevTools also includes new functionality to analyze the speed of an application’s start-up. The profile includes CPU tests of the Dart VM to the point that the first Flutter app development frame is rendered. Once you have pressed the “Profile app startup” button, and the app startup profile is loaded. You will notice you have the “AppStartUp” users tag chosen for the profile. You can also download the app startup profile by choosing the user tag filter. By selecting this tag, you can view the profile information for the app’s start-up.

6. Firebase with DartPad

With the introduction of FlutterFire, Flutter developers are able to access Firebase directly from within DartPad. DartPad’s Firebase support is available with the core API and authentication as well as Firestore.  Another benefit FlutterFire support allows for DartPad is the ability to embed versions of DartPad directly within your documents.

7. Flutter Ads General Availability

This general release for the Google Mobile SDK for Flutter app development came in November. This version supports five different ad formats and includes the support of the two formats, AdMob & Ad Manager. It comes with an early version of a dynamic mediation tool that assists in optimizing the performance of ads.

8. Document Mapping/Firestore Object

Not to be left out is the Firestore-based Object/ Document Mapper. It is a new feature that you need to know about the integration between Firebase and Flutter app development. Firestore ODM boosts Flutter developers’ productivity and efficiency. It reduces how they use Firestore using the familiar types of structured and type-safe techniques and objects. 

Through code generation, Firestore ODM improves the syntax of working with collections and documents. Moreover, it allows users to model data in a safe manner. The ODM can also support subcollections that are strongly typed. Also, it has built-in options to optimize widget rebuilds by using specific options.

In A Nutshell

Flutter 2.8 is focused on making it simpler to connect apps to backend services such as Google’s Firebase. In this regard, all of the Firebase plugins for Flutter have changed to “Beta” and “Stable”. Additionally there’s an official, simple-to-use application for signing in to apps using Firebase Authentication. This covers the various edges, which will aid Flutter developers in saving time and improving security.

Like most times in the past, this most recent Flutter update comes with an update of Dart. The Dart programming language SDK is now at Flutter version 2.15. A few of the previously mentioned improvements in performance are due to this update. This means users using Dart in addition to Flutter will notice some enhancements too.

With this advanced Flutter app development version 2.8 on board, we must not ignore the hard work of the Flutter team. We, at MobileCoderz, express our sincere thanks to all for building this ultimate version. As 2021 is on to a close, let Flutter 2.8 dominate 2022. For any more queries, MobileCoderz is waiting for you to prosper in 2022 and the coming years.

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Native Android or iOS vs React Native: Which One to Choose? https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/native-android-or-ios-vs-react-native-which-one-to-choose/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/native-android-or-ios-vs-react-native-which-one-to-choose/#respond Sat, 11 Dec 2021 05:22:20 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=3846 React Native vs Native, what’s best for your project? Some people prefer Native app development whereas some are using the benefits that React Native is offering. Both have different features to offer that make them unique. But if you’re someone who cannot choose between the two choices, this article will do the same for you. […]

The post Native Android or iOS vs React Native: Which One to Choose? appeared first on MobileCoderz.

React Native vs Native, what’s best for your project? Some people prefer Native app development whereas some are using the benefits that React Native is offering. Both have different features to offer that make them unique. But if you’re someone who cannot choose between the two choices, this article will do the same for you. We will be discussing which is the best choice A Native or A React Native Development Company.

Before we get into the details we need to define the difference between Native and React native application development.

Native App Development

The Native App Development is for specific platforms and built using tools specifically for this platform. Android requires programming using Java as well as Kotlin with Android Studio for the environment. iOS requires programming in Objective-C and the IDE can be found in Xcode.

Therefore, it needs at least two developers, or teams of developers to create the two versions of an application.

However, there is a different approach to developing and utilizing the language and toolset to create for multiple platforms simultaneously. This is known as cross-platform. There are a variety of solutions to cross-platform development. Today we’ll learn all aspects to learn which one is really an excellent choice for you.

React Native App Development 

For creating mobile apps that will be cross-platform, it is necessary to utilize React Native. The technology makes use of JavaScript as well as React libraries. The particularity of this technology is the fact that the majority of the programs are written in JavaScript. However, using native visual components allows an output of a completely native application (from the users’ perspective).

This technology eliminates the necessity of developing two apps simultaneously. You might wonder, “How solid is it?’. We provide some insight below.

React Native: What Benefits Does it Have to Offer?

1. Time- and Cost-Efficient

When you don’t need to create a new UI or UX on two platforms completely from scratch, or you can reuse the code for a different platform, you save time.

Simply put, if you choose a React Native Development Company you’d need to hire half that the Native Android and iOS coding requires.

This can save time since time leakage could occur in situations where there’s a need for coordination among multiple developers. You can recruit a React Native Development Company which will handle all your projects with full dedication.

2. Speedy App Development

It’s amazing that you can reuse as much as 90% in React Native code between Android and iOS applications. This means that you can create many apps with React Native and so it can be lightning fast.

3. Large Developers Community

The task of assembling a team of mobile cross-platform app developers can be a challenge. Fortunately, React Native has a large developer community behind it. Additionally, the framework utilizes JavaScript which is a more well-known software development language, Native. Therefore, once you hire React Native developers you won’t encounter any issues.

4. It’s Reliable

Since many of the top brands utilize React Native, this framework has guaranteed availability of updates and support. In addition, as an open-source platform, React Native makes it possible and simple to add more features. Its “Live Reload” feature allows you to upgrade your app and add new features without experiencing any interruptions.

Native App Development: What Benefits does it Provide?

1. Excellent Performance

Native app development performs better when it comes to speed and frame rate, graphics support, and overall efficiency. It’s because they have uninterrupted access to both the device and the operating system. Data transfer between native applications is more efficient, as two native mobile applications can effortlessly interact with one another. Through this, they can gain access to relevant information (Example: Apple’s HealthKit makes use of the information gathered from it).

2. User Interface Experience

Native solutions provide almost endless possibilities for creating the UI and UX to make it feel natural to the user. If advanced User Interfaces smooth transitions, animation, transitions, etc. are elements of your Unique Value Proposition, then choose Native app development to satisfy customer demands.

3. Easy To Launch

One of the least-known aspects is that there aren’t issues when you launch a Native Android or iOS app development. This is because Native app developers follow the guidelines of both operating systems prior to beginning to create their app.

A React Native developer will likely be required to search and edit the features and codes compatible with a particular OS.

4. Enhanced Control of the Code

Native app development permits writing lower-level codes, which allows developers greater control over their environment. The code is easier to understand and troubleshoot since everything in the code is built upon the same fundamentals. The software versions may differ, however, the fundamentals and rules remain the same. Developers don’t have to ensure compatibility with other operating systems.

The answer is based on what you’re looking for. Do you want iOS App Development or Android App Development? In the simplest terms, below are some points that could push you either way.

Which is Better? React Native or Native Development

# Budget

If you’re not able to afford the expense of developing Native apps, then you should surely consider React Native development. Then you simply have to see what it can do for you. If you’re not sure about your choice then you can recruit any app development company to get the best suggestions.

# Necessity

If you’ve funds and believe that there’s no problem in integrations, complex designs, or guidelines compliance, then consider React Native. If you feel that the application is difficult to maintain high-performance you must choose Native iOS or Android development.

How Early Do You Want Your App?

If you’re in a hurry to get your app up and running it is advisable to choose React Native. In the end, it’s an extremely reliable choice regardless of how much you compare it to Native apps development tools. A React Native Development Company lets you launch your apps quickly for the two platforms of Android and iOS.

However, it’s not recommended to choose Native application development when your app is massive. This is because, if you force the app to release earlier, you’ll compromise in terms of quality.

# Service Uniqueness

If your business is unexplored, it is best to opt for Native application development. It’s because it doesn’t take long for competitors to catch up and invade your market rapidly by offering something new. But, they won’t be able to compete with your performance. This is because, to build a fast application, they’ll have to build it on React Native.

If your market is crowded and you’re looking to get into it, you might prefer React Native.

React Native or iOS/Android Native? What’s worth the cost? The answer is that it is dependent on the project you are working on.

  • Do you want to create an Android App Development only or an iOS-only application? Choose Native.  
  • Do you have a small group with limited resources and time and require an app that works on both platforms? Choose React Native Development Company only.
  • Do you require an extremely complex application that makes use of a significant portion of the platform-specific code? Choose Native.  
  • Are you looking to benefit from a fast build time, as well as features like live reloading or hot loading? Choose React Native.
  • Do you have plans to maintain the app for a long period of time, with no worry of Facebook abandoning React Native? Choose Native.
  • Are your developers proficient? Do they have good React or Web development experience? Choose React Native Development Company only.
  • Does your application need to be compatible with new features for mobile OS at the moment they’re available? Choose Native.  
  • Are you sure that your app will look and perform similarly across both platforms? Go React Native. You get the best app services from MobileCoderz, a React Native Development Company which provides the best developers team. With MobileCoderz, you not only get a high-end app but also 100% security assurance.

Some Last Words

Overall, React Native and Native App Development are excellent tools for creating iOS and Android applications. Before choosing one, you simply have to identify your needs and the specific app type you want to develop. 

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Flutter App Development: 10 Reasons Why It’s Perfect for Your App https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/flutter-app-development-10-reasons-why-its-perfect-for-your-mobile-app/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/flutter-app-development-10-reasons-why-its-perfect-for-your-mobile-app/#respond Fri, 10 Dec 2021 10:06:48 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=3832 Flutter is a mobile-based development framework that has grown extremely popular among developers across the globe. It incorporates all the features of native and cross-platform design models. This allows developers to create powerful applications in a short amount of time. Numerous companies look to hire Flutter app development company to develop applications that cater to […]

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Flutter is a mobile-based development framework that has grown extremely popular among developers across the globe. It incorporates all the features of native and cross-platform design models. This allows developers to create powerful applications in a short amount of time. Numerous companies look to hire Flutter app development company to develop applications that cater to a large user base.

Flutter, Google’s officially-licensed cross-platform app development framework, was first introduced by Google in the month of May 2017. In just 4 years, Flutter for app development is now the top cross-platform tech. At present, it has more than four-quarters (43%) of all developers using it.

A Stackoverflow study also found that 68.8 percent of developers are in love with Flutter app development. Also, 10.9 percent want to change to Flutter for app development within the next couple of years.


In terms of its popularity, Flutter has already outsold React Native. There are a variety of reasons for developers to be interested in this relatively new technology. Flutter app development relies on code reuse. This means developers can make use of the same codebase for building native mobile applications for both iOS and Android. Furthermore, the possibility of using Flutter mobile development to build robust web applications provides amazing performance.

Why is Flutter so Popular?

According to Statista, Flutter is the 2nd most popular mobile platform that is used by developers across the world. It also says 39% of developers utilize Flutter for app development. Thus, this represents an increase of 9% from last year’s. What can it be that makes Flutter app development so successful?


  • Flutter developers have the advantage of having a single base code. They write the code once and have it run seamlessly on the two platforms, Android or iOS.
  • Flutter for app development isn’t just open-source but is also created by Google. Flutter has a large user base and is simple to find solutions to your issues which helps speed up development.
  • Flutter is a user of the Dart programming language that provides many advantages and is simple to master.
  • One of the most significant USPs in Flutter is the hot-reload features. This allows both developers and designers to view the changes immediately at the moment they occur.
  • Flutter apps provide the same performance as native apps due to the fact that Dart converts native code.

Why Should New Apps Use Flutter App Development: 10 Top Reasons to Know 

There are many advantages to using Flutter app development for both large and small-scale enterprises. It stands out as a preferred cross-platform application development framework used by a variety of application development service providers. We’ll review some of the key aspects that will allow developers to appreciate the advantages of Flutter for app development.

  • Native App Performance Taken to the Next Level

 The speed of performance is crucial to providing a pleasant user experience. Flutter-built applications, as per the developers, offer numbers that are comparable to native applications. Flutter, along with other renowned cross-platform frameworks, doesn’t require any additional code representatives to connect directly with machine code. Flutter for app development avoids problems with interpretation and increasing performance.

  • Open Source

Flutter allows for easy posting of problems as well as access to the documents from forums for developers. Also, it allows Flutter programmers to grow and learn from the constantly changing community of developers. It enhances the efficacy and output of the developer and leads to less time and costs for the project.

  • Hot Reload: Boosts Developer Productivity

Flutter permits developers to review changes made to the app immediately and can also help them correct the changes quickly. It is not necessary to run elsewhere, you’ll be able to observe the changes when you save.

Hot Reload is a standard feature in Flutter for app development. It also facilitates better collaboration between developers and designers to improve the user experience of an app. This reduces the development time by around 30-40%. Developers can move faster as each change is being implemented immediately.

  • Strong and Reliable Tech Community

 There’s a huge community of developers having to find the time to develop with Flutter mobile development. New developers won’t need to worry because they’ve made it simpler for them to master and comprehend its functions. There are over 60 videos to aid you with the toolkit for software and help you understand the procedure. With help from the Mobile App Development Company, any person can start creating an app.

  • Dart Language

Flutter utilizes Dart in its object-oriented programming languages that can be used to develop apps. The main characteristics available in Dart include a comprehensive standard library garbage collection,, generics, async-awaits & robust typing. Dart is similar to Java and makes use of a number of the well-known capabilities of various languages. Its reactivity-oriented programming style allows developers to accomplish their tasks easily with Flutter for app development.

  • Reduced Testing Time

Conducting regular tests on multiple systems will require checking compatibility. Flutter permits programs to run across different platforms with one codebase. All it takes is a single test of the Flutter mobile development. This saves the programmers a substantial quantity of both time and cash.

  • Customized Widgets

Flutter mobile development has a wide range of widgets for developers to assist in the creation process. It makes the creation of a UI element that is basic simpler and quicker. Just create the UI element once. It will be able to adapt to various resolutions, screens, & platforms. You can also combine one widget with another to make it possible to perform various features.

  • Multi-Platform Support

 When you contract an app developer for Flutter App Development, there are benefits of creating a highly customizable product. You can create apps for six different operating systems. Android, Windows, iOS, Linux, etc. are a few examples of the different operating systems supported by the well-known flutter apps. 

With recent advancements, Flutter developers are now able to develop unidirectional solutions for Android/iOS & Windows, Linux, etc. Thereby, this is transforming the field of software programming.

  • Leaders Set the Example

Flutter is being used by major companies to create their mobile applications, which include Xianyu app from Alibaba. Alibaba which is based in China, Google itself set an example by transferring the Google Ads app to Flutter. Perfectly is an app for journaling and mindfulness powered by artificial intelligence that was built with Flutter. There are numerous famous apps built with Flutter for app development such as AppTree, Google Greentea, JD Finance & many others.


  • Investor-Friendly

 The phrase minimum feasible product is a reference to the application’s primary capabilities and features. An MVP developed using Flutter mobile development is uniform across different programs and delivers the best user experience. This is a major draw for a number of investors, allowing them to back your business.

Final Words

Flutter is among the top cross-platform development technologies and the quality of its development is increasing each day. A lot of developers are using Flutter mobile development. It’s definitely the best choice for hybrid development. It’s possible to develop an app for each of iOS and Android at a lower cost of development.

MobileCoderz is among the most reputable Flutter app development company in India. We have a dedicated group that includes Flutter developers who are committed to improving the flexibility, scalability, and robustness of mobile applications. If you’re seeking to hire a Flutter app developer or create an app, you can surely put your eyes on us.

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Ionic Vs Flutter Vs React Native: What Are They and When To Use Them https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/ionic-flutter-react-native/ https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/ionic-flutter-react-native/#respond Thu, 09 Dec 2021 13:07:50 +0000 https://mobilecoderz.com/blog/?p=3821 Many apps are used to the greatest extent by people to turn everyday tasks into enjoyable moments. Mobile apps have revolutionized the way people think and carry out routine tasks from cooking to commuting. The “always-on” mode of mobile connectivity entices users to live a digital-powered life. In our opinion, this is not a new […]

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Many apps are used to the greatest extent by people to turn everyday tasks into enjoyable moments. Mobile apps have revolutionized the way people think and carry out routine tasks from cooking to commuting. The “always-on” mode of mobile connectivity entices users to live a digital-powered life. In our opinion, this is not a new concept.

Businesses increasingly rely on mobile apps. However, they are more than just a requirement to demonstrate your business’s potential in the long run. From React Native App development company to Flutter to Ionic, the mobile app industry is spreading widely.  In this blog, we’ll try to compare — Ionic, React Native and Flutter frameworks. All three technologies allow you to build mobile apps for both iOS and Android.

Mobile App Development: The Performance Aspect

Performance is the most important aspect of any mobile application. You may be aware that just top-performing apps are downloaded and utilized by the users of hundreds of applications. If your application does not perform well, or users encounter negative experiences, then customers will decide to leave the app. Hence, they might switch to another app. It also impacts the overall impression of your app and you could end up losing your client.

Performance is a combination of many aspects like speed and network performance, device performance, speed of execution, etc. Be it Ionic Vs Flutter Vs React Native, the performance of mobile apps is crucial to expanding your user base.

Create High-Performing Mobile Apps: What is the Solution?

How do you create high-performing mobile applications that are able to withstand the constantly changing business landscape? Mobile cross-platform application development is the solution. In this post we will compare the three top mobile app development frameworks for cross-platforms, Flutter Vs Ionic Vs React Native Development.

Ionic Vs Flutter Vs React Native: What are They?

1. Flutter

As always supported by Google, Flutter is a strong contender in providing quality native experiences for Android & iOS platforms. Flutter app developers are getting more & more popular. It is frequently compared to RN & other cross-platform application development tools.

It utilizes Dart which is the programming language developed by Google. Moreover, it includes numerous advanced features of well-known programming languages.

2. Ionic

The Ionic SDK introduces Cross-Platform (Hybrid) App Development via an open-based source SDK. It was developed by Drifty Co. and used multiple technologies, making it perfect in Cross-Platform App Development. Ionic is mostly employed to build native mobile applications that use different HTML, JavaScript, and CSS technologies. 

The main thing to consider when developing using Ionic will be the UI of the application & design. The Ionic framework itself is available for free download & easy use.

3. React Native 

React Native is written in a variety of languages which include JavaScript, Swift, Objective-C, C++, and Python. In essence, it offers everything you need to develop tools and services needed to build advanced cross-platform applications. It ranges from iOS, Android, to Windows with the capability of offering Native-type functionality.

In a remarkably short period of time, this framework has enabled the development of a wide variety of applications. This list includes Instagram, Facebook, Airbnb, Walmart, UberEats, and many more. With such applications on board, the market to hire React Native developers & React Native App development company is growing at a rapid pace.

When To Use Flutter, Ionic & React Native?

React Native
Language Stack
Code Reusability
Allows code reusability
 code reusability
Allows code reusability
Component Library
Pre-built components
Built-in widgets
Built-in components
Faster and Interactive apps
Graphically enhanced apps that are high performing
Native-like apps
User Interface
Great UI
Best UI
Great UI
Great Ecosystem
Great Ecosystem
Less popular than the other two
Native Device Features
Decent native-like features
 native-like features
Decent native-like features
Backed platforms
iOS8+, Android 4.4+
Not sure as of yet
iOS 8+, Android 4.1+
Popular apps
Nationwide, Pacifica
Instagram, Facebook, UberEats
Open-source and paid as well
 Effective and Open-Source

1. Code Reusability & Execution

Flutter: The main reason for the growing popularity of Flutter is the fact that it offers an extensive toolkit. It lets Flutter app developers build modern apps using pre-built widgets, APIs, as well as its own engine for rendering. Utilizing the extensive features of Flutter developers can build amazing mobile-friendly experiences.

Ionic: The “one code base, any platform” gives you the option of using the code base for a variety of different applications. With the same base code, developers can create an interactive and engaging app in an incredibly short time.

React Native: The prime concept behind creating code with React Native is clearly portrayed for you. One codebase is able to be used to build numerous apps for different platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows. This can help developers develop better applications in a short amount of time. For best quality development, look to hire React Native developers & React Native App development companies to execute coding and deployment with perfection.

2. Performance

Flutter: React Native as well as Ionic both offer great performance. Flutter, however, goes a little bit further. It offers ready-to-use plugins along with a wide range of widgets. Further, it provides the company’s own rendering engine which assists in the creation of stunning, high-performance cross-platform apps. For top-quality Flutter app development, look to hire experienced Flutter app developers around. 

Ionic: Ionic is a framework that, unlike the other platforms, uses advanced web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript. This helps to create highly scalable hybrid apps. However, it requires third-party plugins and extensions to wrap your app in an native cover.

React Native: As the framework utilizes Native APIs & components, it lets you create an application that has a native appearance and feel. Hire React Native Developers & an established React Native App development company to create the native appearance and interface at par with industry standards. 

3. App Development Cost

Flutter: It is an open-source software platform, which permits developers to use a broad range of libraries, widgets & APIs, for free. Additionally, it is easy to hire a Flutter app development company with an initial cost of $15 to $35+ across the globe.

Ionic: It is a free open-based source, a mobile application framework that is hybrid or cross-platform. However, for a more advanced development platform, a subscription is necessary. It is true that Iconic Pro can easily speed up the process of development. Moreover, it allows developers to develop an app in real-time.

React Native: RN provides developers with access to a wide range of libraries for free. To enjoy the benefits of the framework, work with an organization that develops software and has a skilled team. Also, you must hire React Native developers along with a reputed React Native App development company for further assistance. 

4. Language Programming 

Flutter: As Flutter is a child of Google, it uses an in-house language called Dart. It allows you to develop programs designed for Android, iOS, etc. When compared with JavaScript, Dart is still an unpopular language. Despite its newness, it has the potential to take the world to the next level in the coming years. Also, the market for Flutter app developers will grow exponentially.

Ionic: Ionic is a platform that uses a variety of technologies (including HTML5, CSS, and JS) to create and run applications. It also accesses the Cordova wrapper for native controllers for multiple platforms. To enhance the quality of code, you can make use of TypeScript in conjunction with Ionic.

React Native: When it is about choosing a framework based on the programming language, RN is the preferred choice of developers. It is reliant on JavaScript which is currently an extremely well-known and versatile language for creating hybrid applications. Additionally, React Native development combines the benefits that come with JavaScript along with React and is supported by Facebook. One of the things that’s unique about React Native is the fact that it gives the capability to write a small number of components in Swift as well as Objective-C or Java. For all such writing of different components, hire React Native Developers and a top React Native App development company. Be away from all the technical hustle.

5. Community & Popularity

Flutter: The Flutter framework is a newly released framework designed for community use. As a result, when compared against React Native and Ionic, Flutter has a smaller group of users. However, it is heavily promoted via Google and is quickly growing in popularity. It is likely to make it a huge feature in the coming years. Furthermore, Flutter has racked up 98.3K ratings, 14.9K forks, and is viewed by 3.5K developers. This leaves the other frameworks like React Native & Ionic behind. Also, the growth of Flutter app developers is better than others. 

Ionic: It is one of the frameworks with the longest history, Ionic has often improved its structure. Furthermore, Ionic has an excellent market. It is a popular site with 42.7K ratings, 12.4K forks, and is followed by 1.9K developers.

React Native: While evaluating the support from communities for frameworks, it is evident that React Native will easily steal the spotlight. It is based on JavaScript which is also a part of the well-known React libraries. Its community of developers is growing rapidly in comparison with Flutter or Ionic. According to the data, React Native has 90.8K stars, 3.9K watches, and 17.8K forks.

Ionic, Flutter, and React Native is looking to conquer the market. Hence, you should hire a successful app development company. A top pick for all such frameworks and development is MobileCoderz. With MobileCoderz, it is easy and quick to go through the Development Process and more than 100+ projects done in the same domain, our team has app development expertise for more than 8 years. With trust, reliability, and direct communication, MobileCoderz is available 24×7 to provide their services. 

More To Say!!

Ionic is well-known for its ease of learning because of web-based technologies. Flutter requires developers to master Dart to create applications. Additionally, Ionic is not an ideal choice for intensive graphical applications because of wrapper plugins create performance issues. Flutter is still in its early stages. It is gradually expanding with the help of the best Flutter app developers of Google along with the community. React Native Development is on the rise and booming phases as well.

In addition, let us not overlook that each of these frameworks performs best in its own way. So, it is all on you to choose a winner among Flutter Vs Ionic Vs React Native.

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