Node Js development services Category: Check Out the Latest Posts on – MobileCoderz Fri, 21 Jul 2023 05:20:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Node Js development services Category: Check Out the Latest Posts on – MobileCoderz 32 32 NodeJS and AngularJS: Latest Comparison Guide Wed, 13 Apr 2022 10:22:36 +0000 Are you going to use NodeJS and AngularJS to create a web application? NodeJS and AngularJS are the two famous JavaScript frameworks. NodeJS is an open-source framework that is used to build server-side web applications. Whereas AngularJS is also an open-source framework but it is used to build client-side web applications.  They both use JavaScript […]

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Are you going to use NodeJS and AngularJS to create a web application?

NodeJS and AngularJS are the two famous JavaScript frameworks. NodeJS is an open-source framework that is used to build server-side web applications. Whereas AngularJS is also an open-source framework but it is used to build client-side web applications. 

They both use JavaScript as the programming language to build interactive and dynamic web applications. But before you incorporate them into your tech stack it is highly important to understand the difference between them and compare which JS framework suits best to your project. 

And today, we have come up with the latest comparison guide on NodeJS and AngularJS that will give you a clear idea to decide which JS framework is best for developing a powerful web application. 

This blog will tell you-

  1. Key features and architecture of NodeJS and AngularJS
  2. Difference between NodeJS and AngularJS
  3. When you should use Angular
  4. When you should use Node

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based web application development framework. This is an open-source and client-side technology that uses MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern. It lets developers utilize HTML as a template language and enables HTML syntax to express the app’s components precisely and clearly. 

Angular is a structural framework written in JavaScript language for developing single-page applications (SPAs). It offers the functionality to manage user input in the browser and controls how elements are shown in the browser view. 

Angular is backed by Google and currently, it is available with its latest version called Angular 13.1.1 released in Dec 2021. Since AngularJS helps in developing mobile apps, AngularJS Mobile App Development Company relies on this framework for building performant apps. 

What is NodeJS?

NodeJS is a JavaScript framework. It is primarily based on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. This is a cross-platform runtime library used for implementing JavaScript applications. Node.js is a free and open-source technology used by developers to create server-side JS applications. 

NodeJS Development Company uses this framework in application development due to its extensive range of JavaScript modules. It enables developers to make non-blocking units of code to build a better responsive application. The best part of NodeJs is that you can use it with most of the open-source JS projects on the server.

Key Features and Architecture of AngularJS: How Is It Useful?

The architecture of AngularJS framework is fully based on MVC (Model-View-Controller). This MVC architecture enables Angular to isolate the application logic from the UI assists in the differentiation of concerns. Its Controller part receives all requests for the application. Then it starts working with the model to devise up data needed by the View. So, to understand the architecture of AngularJS framework, you should know about the functioning of the MVC pattern which consists of three parts:

– Model

Model section manage the data of application. It gives a response to the request sent from the view section and to the commands from the controller to update itself. It organized the codes into distinct modules which can be managed and reused very easily. 

– View

This represents the data in a standard format. It presents the information as instructed by the controller. View works like the front face of the application which is responsible for the presentation of the data to the user. It carries the entire code for the user interface in any language which is compatible with a browser like HTML. 

After receiving the instructions from the Controller, the View gets initiated. It sends requests to its controller based on UI with the application and then the controller regenerates the view based on inputs received from the server. 

– Controller

The Controller gives a response to the user’s commands and interacts with the data model objects. It works like the processing brain being the view and the model part. When it gets inputs, it first validates and then executes business operations that customize the state of the data model. 

Key Features and Architecture of Node JS: How It Is Useful?

NodeJS is a server-side framework developed on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for faster and smoother development of web app applications. It has an event-driven and non-blocking I/O model making it a fast and lightweight technology. Node.js is based on a Single Threaded Event Loop Architecture that can manage several requests simultaneously. Its architecture is based on the below building blocks:

1. Single-Threaded Event Loop

Node.js framework utilizes a single-threaded model with event looping. Its event mechanisms enable the server to send response in a non-blocking way. As a result, it makes the server highly scalable as compared to conventional servers which create threads to manage requests. 

2. Asynchronous I/O

Asynchronous input-output enables applications to overlap with I/O operations which make the exchange of information seamless. 

3. Built on Google’s V8 Engine

Node.js is built on Google’s V8 engine which is the fastest JavaScript engine. This engine converts the JavaScript code into machine code which the computer can easily understand. Besides this, it also understands the C++ language. Thus, Node.js becomes very fast. 

4. Libuv Library

LIBUV is an open-source library based on asynchronous I/O. It gives the Node.js framework to access the machine operating system. Since LIBUV focuses on asynchronous input-output, it helps NodeJs implement the event loop and thread pool operations. 

Difference Between NodeJS and AngularJS: Hidden Benefits You Shouldn’t Miss

1. Fundamentals of NodeJS and AngularJS

NodeJs is a JavaScript runtime framework that uses Google’s V8 engine for developing server-side applications. It is primarily designed for writing scalable and responsive web and mobile app applications. 

On the other hand, Angular.js is a client-side JavaScript framework that comes with a jQuery library to create structured applications that can run on any desktop or mobile OS platform. Therefore, Angular is highly popular in web app development

2. Architecture of NodeJS and AngularJS

Node.js is built on Single Threaded Event Loop architecture. It means having several threads waiting for requests. to process web requests. These requests are deployed on the same thread. AngularJS architecture is based on MVC pattern. Each layer of MVC pattern has its own tasks which dedicatedly works on the inputs given by the user and handles the interactions that make the data processing faster and smoother. 

3. Usage of NodeJS and AngularJS

NodeJs is a cross-platform JavaScript framework. It utilizes non-blocking, event-driven I/O to build data-extensive real-time applications which run efficiently across different operating systems. It allows writing scripts for both client-side and server-side. And therefore, NodeJS app Development company prefers this framework when it comes to making real-time applications like messaging mobile apps. 

Angular is an advanced-level technology that is suitable for developing advanced and single-page web apps with HTML. AngularJS development company uses this tool to make complex-level functionality for the application using its HTML and other powerful scope mechanisms. 

4. Installation of NodeJS and AngularJS

In Nodejs development, developers need a runtime environment to run on several operating systems like macOS, Linux, and Windows. Hence, they need to install Node JS on their machines while setting up the development environment.

Whereas in AngularJS development, you don’t need to install the AngularJS framework on your OS. You can incorporate Angular JS scripts in the code as same as JavaScript files

5. Data Working of NodeJS and AngularJS

AngularJS has good capability to implement the MVC architectural pattern effectively and offer two-way data binding. Due to its bidirectional data binding, it automatically synchronizes data across the model and represents the components of the application easily.

On the other hand, Node JS enables web and mobile app developers to use utilize JavaScript in writing database queries. Eventually, it helps overcome syntactical differences which further makes it easy for programmers to create database queries for no-relational databases such as MongoDB. 

6. Popularity of NodeJS and AngularJS

AngularJS is backed by Google and was first released in 2016. AngularJS has a large developer community with 34.9K followers on Stackshare. There are more than 1.5 billion active monthly users who use Angular in their different web and application development projects. Forbes, PayPal, Samsung, Deutsche Bank, many big brands have used Angular in their in-house projects.

NodeJs is also popular, especially in the USA. There are more than 6.3 million sites that use this JS framework. Many popular sites such as Upwork, Github, Spotify, Twitter, Naver, Nytimes, Medium use Node Js. 85% of Node Js developers mainly use it for web app development. 

Comparison Table: NodeJS and AngularJS

Key Parameters Node JS Angular JS
 Architecture       Single-threaded event loop model  MVC
 Data management  Traditional JavaScript  Two-way data binding method
 Installation  Need to install Node.js as a runtime environment  Don’t require to install anything
 Programming Language  It supports JavaScript, C, C++  It is written in JavaScript language
 Framework Type  Works with many frameworks such as Express.js, Partial.js,  Meteor, etc.  It is a web application development framework
 Type of Application Built  Builds scalable, fast, client-side and server-side networking applications  Builds single-page applications for client-side
 Run On  Node JS runs on the server-side  Angular JS runs on the client’s browser
 Usage  Best suited for developing scalable and faster application  Suitable for creating real-time applications like messaging apps
 Scope  Developer can use it on both client and server-side  Based on Client-side interaction


Which Is The Best JavaScript Framework?

NodeJS and AngularJS both are designed for developing web applications using JavaScript. However, there are many major differences between both javascript frameworks. NodeJS is primarily used for server-side application development and AngularJS is suitable for creating a single-page client-side application. 

Therefore, which is the best JavaScript framework depends on what is your usage goal. If you desire to create a single-page web application (SPA) for client side, Angular is Good. And if you want to build a web application for both client and server-side NodeJS stands out perfectly in this case. To summarize,

When you should use Angular- 

  1. Single-page application
  2. Real-time data-based app
  3. Dynamic Web App
  4. Progressive Web App
  5. eCommerce apps
  6. Enterprise Web app
  7. News app

When you should use Node-

  1. Real-time application
  2. Data streaming application
  3. IoT applications
  4. Collaborative tool
  5. Scalable application
  6. Microservices
  7. API application


NodeJS and AngularJS both are profitable JavaScript frameworks that are used in developing different types of web applications. NodeJS is best for building real-time and highly scalable applications. AngularJS is best for developing single-page and PAWs. Hence, depending on your use case and business objective, you should use both JS frameworks accordingly. 

After knowing the basics, architecture, types, and functioning of NodeJS and AngularJS, you might have got a clear picture of when you should use each framework to create the right web solution for your business. 

If you need professional guidance so that you generate maximum ROI,  partner with MobileCoderz-a reputed web app development company that has highly experienced Node.js and Angular developers. We use up-to-date coding practices with the latest technology tools to build high-performing web applications. 

If you have something in your mind

Book a Free Online Consultation and Talk to Our Experts Right Away

The post NodeJS and AngularJS: Latest Comparison Guide appeared first on MobileCoderz.

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Node.js vs React.js: Choosing the Best Framework for 2022 Mon, 04 Apr 2022 06:04:27 +0000 Staying on top of the latest technology is crucial to your business’ success. The technology landscape is evolving so rapidly that keeping up can be difficult. Node.js vs React.js are among the most popular web development frameworks. Do you know which one would work well for you?  Here’s a comparison of Node.js vs React.js if […]

The post Node.js vs React.js: Choosing the Best Framework for 2022 appeared first on MobileCoderz.

Staying on top of the latest technology is crucial to your business’ success. The technology landscape is evolving so rapidly that keeping up can be difficult.

Node.js vs React.js are among the most popular web development frameworks. Do you know which one would work well for you? 

Here’s a comparison of Node.js vs React.js if you’re looking for a recommendation. As we examine their features & benefits, we will compare them side by side. So let’s compare Node.js vs React.js!

1. Node.js Overview

Using Node.js, you can run JavaScript programming code outside of your browser. It is a cross-platform, & open-source runtime environment. Note that NodeJS does not qualify as a programming language & a framework.

Many people are perplexed by its nature and mistake it for a programming language or framework. In addition to back-end services, you can also develop mobile apps and web applications with Node.js.

2. React.js Overview

Open-source JavaScript programming library, React.js creates single-page user interfaces. The language is declarative, versatile, and it allows us to reuse UI components. It’s used for developing single-page, interactive web pages, but react components can be hard to reuse. 

Virtual DOM writing in React is tedious and imprecise. Components of React applications each render a piece of reusable HTML. By nesting components inside other components, complex applications can be constructed from simple building blocks.

Features of Node.js and React.js

As per last year’s trend shown below, Node is winning over React.js but the trend changes and the situations change so, here is an overview of the best features of Node.js and React.js.

Node.js Features

These features make Node.js a top pick for any Node.JS Development company. To make full utilization of such Node.js features, take expert assistance from an expert Node.JS Development Company & hire their experienced developers. 

  • Open Source 

The free and open-source code in Node.js can be used by any developer and is available for free.

  • Optimized Performance

If you want to enhance the performance of your app, use Node.js. Node.js allows developers to perform non-blocking functions, which improves app performance.

  • Single-threaded 

As a single-threaded framework that operates event loops, Node.js is lightweight & scalable. As such, it allows multiple requests to be handled in comparison to traditional servers such as Apache HTTP Server.

  • No Buffering 

Because of its callback function, Node.js applications demonstrate performance in blocks. Consequently, the data is received faster and is easily accessible, so that the user does not need to wait for operations to finish. Therefore, there will be no data buffer.

  • Scalability

Node.js has the ability to both horizontally and vertically scale up the performance of the app.

React.js Features

These features below make React JS one of the most used frameworks by an established React JS Development Company. Make use of these top features & make your mark in the market. 

  • Extensions 

As well as UI framework integration, React offers a wide range of extensions that can be used to create complete application architectures. Flux and Redux are essential in React.js extensions for web development. React, a well-known framework, is ideal for developing cross-platform mobile apps.

  • Easy to Maintain

Since the library is excellent, and the entire system is re-used, React.js is easy to maintain. This can be used in the event that an update fails with React.js.

  • JSX 

The markup language close to HTML is one of the features of JSX. It’s a mix between XML & JavaScript programming.

  • Event Handling 

Using React.js, a fully compliant object model can be applied. Moreover, specially-designed event examples will protect native events. In all, it combines native functionality with cross-browser compatibility.

  • Virtual DOM 

With React, a software developer helps in building virtual DOM objects. The virtual DOM, however, is only a one-way data binding, so it makes a virtual replica of the real DOM.

React.js vs Node.js: Who uses What?

Who uses Node.js?

The following companies use Node.js:

  • Uber
  • Netflix
  • PayPal
  • eBay
  • Trello
  • LinkedIn
  • Walmart
  • NASA
  • Yahoo
  • Groupon

Who uses React.JS?

The following companies use React.js:

  • Facebook
  • Uber
  • Pinterest
  • Airbnb
  • WhatsApp
  • Drobox
  • Instagram
  • Amazon
  • Shopify
  • Udemy

Node js vs React js: 

Why use Node.js?

  • JavaScript Programming & NPM 

In order to implement the server-side of your application, you only need to learn one language, because JavaScript is the de facto language for frontend web development. As a developer, you also benefit from using NPM (Node Package Manager) for managing your libraries.

  • Scalable 

Node is designed for scalability due to Chrome’s V8 runtime & features, such as the clustering module, which enables load balancing across multiple CPU cores.

  • Non-blocking & Event-driven 

Node is quite resource-efficient in the way it handles events.

Why use React.js?

  • Reusable Components 

It is easy to create reusable components with react. This increases developer productivity.

  • Community 

A vibrant community surrounds React, the most popular web development framework for front-end development. You can, therefore, expect React to support a variety of features.

  • Mobile Development 

With React Native, it is possible to develop mobile applications using React code.

Node.js vs React.js: The Battle of the Best

Sr. No.

React JS Node JS
1. Developed by Facebook Developed by Ryan Dahl
2. Launched in 2003 Launched in 2009
3. A library for developing User Interface JavaScript runtime environment for executing the JavaScript outside the browser
4. Used in Client-side Used for client-side development & server-side development in JavaScript
5. Written with pure Vanilla JavaScript Written with C, C++, & JavaScript
6. Used for developing single-page applications Used to create a scalable HTTP server module
7. Supports Android & Web Supports Web only
8. Lacks micro-services & API support Supports Micro-services & API
9. Offers Support for both Frontend Lacks Support for Frontend
10. Creates easy UI test cases Supports server-side test cases


Before moving on to the best framework for your web development, here is a graphical representation of the most downloads

done in the past one year of different frameworks. 


Node.js is used to develop applications for the back-end, whereas React.js is used to develop user interfaces.

Model View Framework Support

With Node.js you get Model View Framework support, while with React.js you don’t get Model View Framework Support.

Development Process

In contrast to Node.js, we use React.js, which compiles and optimizes JavaScript programming code using Node.js, while Node.js is a non-blocking event-driven I/O protocol developed in C++ and works on Chrome’s v8 engine.

Data Tracking

With Node.js, streaming real-time data is simple while React.js is hard to track since it is so sophisticated.


React.js has an Open Source JS library supported by Facebook while Node.js has the most robust ecosystem of JavaScript programming libraries.

Programming Languages

The only programming language in Node.js is JavaScript, while the programming languages in React.js are JSX and JavaScript.

Document Object Model Concept

While Node.js does not use the DOM concept, React.js does, which makes things faster.


React.js is a tougher learning curve than Node.js.


While Node.js has a rather simple architecture, React.js has a rather complex one.


The lightweight nature of Node.js makes writing microservices easy, while writing microservices in React.js is more difficult


React.js does an excellent job handling dynamic events, but Node.js is more efficient at handling single operations.


Since Node.js code is written in Java, it can easily be converted to machine code, while React.js is available for Android & iOS.


For efficient runtime, Node caches individual modules, whereas React.js emphasizes code reuse and the DOM.

Developer Costs

Depending on the location and demand, the cost will be different if you are looking for a developer with either of these skills. However, both are highly sought after, making them a viable option.

You can expect to pay anywhere between $12,000 and $150,000 annually for a Node.js developer. A React.js developer typically costs between $40,000 and $125,000.

The Bottom-line

Node JS and React JS are both modern technologies deployed by numerous successful companies. How would you decide what you should do with your proposed application in any case? Here are some concluding thoughts. 

If you would like to build a server-side web application that is complex yet versatile, similar to a stream-based gushing platform, then Node JS is your choice. Make a task that evolves over time, like data sources, catches, etc. you should use React.JS. The two advances can be used simultaneously in your web application.

For this reason, Node.js is the best choice for back-end web development & React.js for front-end web development. Also, you can hire MobileCoderz, a top React.JS Development Company & Node.JS Development Company.

You can find the best software developer in India at MobileCoderz who will advise you on the appropriate framework for your project. 

Developing high-quality custom digital products for companies of all sizes – from small companies to large enterprises – is our specialty – we have Node.js developers, UI/UX designers, React.JS developers & testing specialists, and developers across other technologies who help your business stay ahead of the competition.

The post Node.js vs React.js: Choosing the Best Framework for 2022 appeared first on MobileCoderz.

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