AngularJS Development Company Category: Check Out the Latest Posts on – MobileCoderz Fri, 21 Jul 2023 05:24:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 AngularJS Development Company Category: Check Out the Latest Posts on – MobileCoderz 32 32 NodeJS and AngularJS: Latest Comparison Guide Wed, 13 Apr 2022 10:22:36 +0000 Are you going to use NodeJS and AngularJS to create a web application? NodeJS and AngularJS are the two famous JavaScript frameworks. NodeJS is an open-source framework that is used to build server-side web applications. Whereas AngularJS is also an open-source framework but it is used to build client-side web applications.  They both use JavaScript […]

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Are you going to use NodeJS and AngularJS to create a web application?

NodeJS and AngularJS are the two famous JavaScript frameworks. NodeJS is an open-source framework that is used to build server-side web applications. Whereas AngularJS is also an open-source framework but it is used to build client-side web applications. 

They both use JavaScript as the programming language to build interactive and dynamic web applications. But before you incorporate them into your tech stack it is highly important to understand the difference between them and compare which JS framework suits best to your project. 

And today, we have come up with the latest comparison guide on NodeJS and AngularJS that will give you a clear idea to decide which JS framework is best for developing a powerful web application. 

This blog will tell you-

  1. Key features and architecture of NodeJS and AngularJS
  2. Difference between NodeJS and AngularJS
  3. When you should use Angular
  4. When you should use Node

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based web application development framework. This is an open-source and client-side technology that uses MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern. It lets developers utilize HTML as a template language and enables HTML syntax to express the app’s components precisely and clearly. 

Angular is a structural framework written in JavaScript language for developing single-page applications (SPAs). It offers the functionality to manage user input in the browser and controls how elements are shown in the browser view. 

Angular is backed by Google and currently, it is available with its latest version called Angular 13.1.1 released in Dec 2021. Since AngularJS helps in developing mobile apps, AngularJS Mobile App Development Company relies on this framework for building performant apps. 

What is NodeJS?

NodeJS is a JavaScript framework. It is primarily based on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. This is a cross-platform runtime library used for implementing JavaScript applications. Node.js is a free and open-source technology used by developers to create server-side JS applications. 

NodeJS Development Company uses this framework in application development due to its extensive range of JavaScript modules. It enables developers to make non-blocking units of code to build a better responsive application. The best part of NodeJs is that you can use it with most of the open-source JS projects on the server.

Key Features and Architecture of AngularJS: How Is It Useful?

The architecture of AngularJS framework is fully based on MVC (Model-View-Controller). This MVC architecture enables Angular to isolate the application logic from the UI assists in the differentiation of concerns. Its Controller part receives all requests for the application. Then it starts working with the model to devise up data needed by the View. So, to understand the architecture of AngularJS framework, you should know about the functioning of the MVC pattern which consists of three parts:

– Model

Model section manage the data of application. It gives a response to the request sent from the view section and to the commands from the controller to update itself. It organized the codes into distinct modules which can be managed and reused very easily. 

– View

This represents the data in a standard format. It presents the information as instructed by the controller. View works like the front face of the application which is responsible for the presentation of the data to the user. It carries the entire code for the user interface in any language which is compatible with a browser like HTML. 

After receiving the instructions from the Controller, the View gets initiated. It sends requests to its controller based on UI with the application and then the controller regenerates the view based on inputs received from the server. 

– Controller

The Controller gives a response to the user’s commands and interacts with the data model objects. It works like the processing brain being the view and the model part. When it gets inputs, it first validates and then executes business operations that customize the state of the data model. 

Key Features and Architecture of Node JS: How It Is Useful?

NodeJS is a server-side framework developed on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for faster and smoother development of web app applications. It has an event-driven and non-blocking I/O model making it a fast and lightweight technology. Node.js is based on a Single Threaded Event Loop Architecture that can manage several requests simultaneously. Its architecture is based on the below building blocks:

1. Single-Threaded Event Loop

Node.js framework utilizes a single-threaded model with event looping. Its event mechanisms enable the server to send response in a non-blocking way. As a result, it makes the server highly scalable as compared to conventional servers which create threads to manage requests. 

2. Asynchronous I/O

Asynchronous input-output enables applications to overlap with I/O operations which make the exchange of information seamless. 

3. Built on Google’s V8 Engine

Node.js is built on Google’s V8 engine which is the fastest JavaScript engine. This engine converts the JavaScript code into machine code which the computer can easily understand. Besides this, it also understands the C++ language. Thus, Node.js becomes very fast. 

4. Libuv Library

LIBUV is an open-source library based on asynchronous I/O. It gives the Node.js framework to access the machine operating system. Since LIBUV focuses on asynchronous input-output, it helps NodeJs implement the event loop and thread pool operations. 

Difference Between NodeJS and AngularJS: Hidden Benefits You Shouldn’t Miss

1. Fundamentals of NodeJS and AngularJS

NodeJs is a JavaScript runtime framework that uses Google’s V8 engine for developing server-side applications. It is primarily designed for writing scalable and responsive web and mobile app applications. 

On the other hand, Angular.js is a client-side JavaScript framework that comes with a jQuery library to create structured applications that can run on any desktop or mobile OS platform. Therefore, Angular is highly popular in web app development

2. Architecture of NodeJS and AngularJS

Node.js is built on Single Threaded Event Loop architecture. It means having several threads waiting for requests. to process web requests. These requests are deployed on the same thread. AngularJS architecture is based on MVC pattern. Each layer of MVC pattern has its own tasks which dedicatedly works on the inputs given by the user and handles the interactions that make the data processing faster and smoother. 

3. Usage of NodeJS and AngularJS

NodeJs is a cross-platform JavaScript framework. It utilizes non-blocking, event-driven I/O to build data-extensive real-time applications which run efficiently across different operating systems. It allows writing scripts for both client-side and server-side. And therefore, NodeJS app Development company prefers this framework when it comes to making real-time applications like messaging mobile apps. 

Angular is an advanced-level technology that is suitable for developing advanced and single-page web apps with HTML. AngularJS development company uses this tool to make complex-level functionality for the application using its HTML and other powerful scope mechanisms. 

4. Installation of NodeJS and AngularJS

In Nodejs development, developers need a runtime environment to run on several operating systems like macOS, Linux, and Windows. Hence, they need to install Node JS on their machines while setting up the development environment.

Whereas in AngularJS development, you don’t need to install the AngularJS framework on your OS. You can incorporate Angular JS scripts in the code as same as JavaScript files

5. Data Working of NodeJS and AngularJS

AngularJS has good capability to implement the MVC architectural pattern effectively and offer two-way data binding. Due to its bidirectional data binding, it automatically synchronizes data across the model and represents the components of the application easily.

On the other hand, Node JS enables web and mobile app developers to use utilize JavaScript in writing database queries. Eventually, it helps overcome syntactical differences which further makes it easy for programmers to create database queries for no-relational databases such as MongoDB. 

6. Popularity of NodeJS and AngularJS

AngularJS is backed by Google and was first released in 2016. AngularJS has a large developer community with 34.9K followers on Stackshare. There are more than 1.5 billion active monthly users who use Angular in their different web and application development projects. Forbes, PayPal, Samsung, Deutsche Bank, many big brands have used Angular in their in-house projects.

NodeJs is also popular, especially in the USA. There are more than 6.3 million sites that use this JS framework. Many popular sites such as Upwork, Github, Spotify, Twitter, Naver, Nytimes, Medium use Node Js. 85% of Node Js developers mainly use it for web app development. 

Comparison Table: NodeJS and AngularJS

Key Parameters Node JS Angular JS
 Architecture       Single-threaded event loop model  MVC
 Data management  Traditional JavaScript  Two-way data binding method
 Installation  Need to install Node.js as a runtime environment  Don’t require to install anything
 Programming Language  It supports JavaScript, C, C++  It is written in JavaScript language
 Framework Type  Works with many frameworks such as Express.js, Partial.js,  Meteor, etc.  It is a web application development framework
 Type of Application Built  Builds scalable, fast, client-side and server-side networking applications  Builds single-page applications for client-side
 Run On  Node JS runs on the server-side  Angular JS runs on the client’s browser
 Usage  Best suited for developing scalable and faster application  Suitable for creating real-time applications like messaging apps
 Scope  Developer can use it on both client and server-side  Based on Client-side interaction


Which Is The Best JavaScript Framework?

NodeJS and AngularJS both are designed for developing web applications using JavaScript. However, there are many major differences between both javascript frameworks. NodeJS is primarily used for server-side application development and AngularJS is suitable for creating a single-page client-side application. 

Therefore, which is the best JavaScript framework depends on what is your usage goal. If you desire to create a single-page web application (SPA) for client side, Angular is Good. And if you want to build a web application for both client and server-side NodeJS stands out perfectly in this case. To summarize,

When you should use Angular- 

  1. Single-page application
  2. Real-time data-based app
  3. Dynamic Web App
  4. Progressive Web App
  5. eCommerce apps
  6. Enterprise Web app
  7. News app

When you should use Node-

  1. Real-time application
  2. Data streaming application
  3. IoT applications
  4. Collaborative tool
  5. Scalable application
  6. Microservices
  7. API application


NodeJS and AngularJS both are profitable JavaScript frameworks that are used in developing different types of web applications. NodeJS is best for building real-time and highly scalable applications. AngularJS is best for developing single-page and PAWs. Hence, depending on your use case and business objective, you should use both JS frameworks accordingly. 

After knowing the basics, architecture, types, and functioning of NodeJS and AngularJS, you might have got a clear picture of when you should use each framework to create the right web solution for your business. 

If you need professional guidance so that you generate maximum ROI,  partner with MobileCoderz-a reputed web app development company that has highly experienced Node.js and Angular developers. We use up-to-date coding practices with the latest technology tools to build high-performing web applications. 

If you have something in your mind

Book a Free Online Consultation and Talk to Our Experts Right Away

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Why is AngularJS the First Choice for Mobile App Development? Thu, 17 Mar 2022 09:16:24 +0000 When you see that a bunch of people are talking on Twitter about AngularJS and so you get excited because you see that they’re just like you! But you know not everyone is as skilled as you!! AngularJS is a wide subject and today we will make this wide subject an interesting journey for all […]

The post Why is AngularJS the First Choice for Mobile App Development? appeared first on MobileCoderz.

When you see that a bunch of people are talking on Twitter about AngularJS and so you get excited because you see that they’re just like you! But you know not everyone is as skilled as you!! AngularJS is a wide subject and today we will make this wide subject an interesting journey for all of you.

Today there are dozens of technologies and mobile app programming languages. Despite this, app developers still face the problem of broken and interrupted links. It is essential to choose technology that suits your needs and can be used easily by both developers and users. AngularJS has made it possible to get rid of sitting in front of computers searching for the perfect solution.

AngularJS app development is a breeze for app developers. They no longer have to look for the code they need to reach their goals. AngularJS is a Javascript-based framework. However, the latest version of AngularJS uses Typescript, a typed subset of Javascript. It is the predecessor to Angular.

It is important, however, to understand what AngularJS can do and how it has changed the way mobile apps are developed before discussing its importance.

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS, one of the most popular frameworks, is ideal for building robust, single-page web apps such as Netflix or PayPal. AngularJS is a flexible and dynamic JavaScript system widely known for creating dynamic single-page applications (SPA), web applications, & cross-stage versatile apps.

Also, Angular underwent several updates over the course of a long period and developed a wonderful system to rebuild JavaScript code. Angular is an open source software platform. It provides an API – primarily created by Google and a team of individuals and businesses to address many of the issues associated with creating SPAs. Forbes and Upwork use Angular to confirm its legitimacy & reputation.

Here we have the top stat for AngularJS usage in the last 10 years.


Here are some of the features that AngularJS Development Services offer developers:

  • First of all, it has a few guidelines to help you consolidate your information into HTML.
  • Thereafter, the unit testing element is ready.
  • AngularJS makes it possible to modify J-inquiry DOM libraries.
  • It allows you to deliver HTML & regulators.

AngularJS: When to Use?

  • Firstly, you must focus on the broad scope, value, and scale of the rich application product design in terms of features & essential functionalities.
  • Secondly, when the complexity of the app in terms of input package and usage is Low to Medium.
  • C# & earlier versions of Angular are easier for Angular developers who have a good knowledge of Java characteristics.
  • If your projects call for ready-to-use Angular Mobile solutions, validation will help you increase productivity, availability, speed up decisions, and make better business decisions.
  • Lastly, you need to develop an enterprise-level software application that will be supported and maintained over time.

Why is AngularJS the Best for Application Development?

Before developing Mobile Apps via AngularJS, it is advisable to seek assistance from a top AngularJS Development Company in USA, India & around. With their expertise, your app development will become a successful idea.

1. Renewed RxJS

RxJS was not a core feature of Angular. It is used by Angular developers because of its properties such as Subjects and Observables. Version 6 of Angular 6, RxJS is now available. There are some bug fixes in this release, as well as more support for responsive web programming.

2. Code Reusability & Consistency

Developers can use the Angular technology features to get access to a well-documented, reusable structure. This allows code flexibility, unique libraries and consistency for different use cases.

Further, code consistency is essential. Angular’s CLI permits Angular developers to run test scripts, create projects, & add numerous features. They can also re-use these features as needed. Angular’s developer community is very familiar with its style and functionality. It can improve inline features, reduce dependency barriers, & decrease confusions.

3. Usability & Modularity

You can use modular architecture for certain technologies. This improves productivity and does not compromise on output. Angular has a unique role in creating powerful apps with amazing architecture, fantastic functionalities, flexibility, and great functionality.  Thus,  Angular’s modularity makes it easy to add value to an app over time & integrate features.

4. Productivity Increased

The development of frameworks is what consumes the most time. This is a major reason why developers are constantly at risk of losing productivity. To increase productivity, Angular developers must invest their time trying to figure out which function, utility or component can easily be edited so that a new structure of code can be created.

Angular code can be integrated with Typescript to allow for reusable coding. This IDE, along with other IDE’s like VS Code & WebStorm, allows you to identify errors early and debug & highlight them. All in all, early access to errors can reduce development time significantly and save money.

5. MVC Framework Architecture

Angular uses a component-based MVC architecture in contrast to other JavaScript frameworks used for mobile application development. Angular apps can look and feel like native apps with this architecture. This helps to speed up development and lower development costs.

6. Easy Data Organization

The presence of filters in any app development project helps to organize the stored data and allows for better control & precision. Developers who use AngularJS have access to a wide range of filters, such as Number & OrderBy. This is a great way to improve the performance of your app by delivering lots of data or making it easier to search.

7. Cheap Unit Testing

As every module has an application part, testing Angular Testing can be made easier and more straightforward. This principle of a one file-one program allows you to perform unit testing quickly and easily without worrying about what module to load next. The angular framework was created to simplify front-end development and is gaining momentum with front-end Angular developers.

8. Reduced Maintenance

Understanding how to maintain code is an essential aspect for developers. Angular focuses on testability. Dependency injection is the foundation of Angular. This simplifies testing and allows for fast coding speeds with the help of a protractor.

Maintenance for AngularJS Development Services is very simple. Just run an update command. The update is attached with any angular related packages for HTTP.

9. Feature-rich Functionality

The app’s initial usability is simple and easy. Developers can easily access the existing data. There are pre-configured libraries within the app that allow users to easily develop basic features without having to integrate any third-party software. Users can create web designs, and then test them in a secure and qualitative way.

AngularJS Implementation Domains

Over the years, a number of different apps use the Angular framework. Let’s look at some categories of apps where Angular can be useful.

# Travel & Location Apps

Angular is a powerful and dynamic tool that can be used to help you find your way around the world with location-finding apps & travel. Moreover, the Angular-built location-sensing, travel and navigation apps offer optimal performance.

# Chat & Real-Time Media Apps

You can make many media streaming apps with Angular in real time because of their high performance and the ability to send video material in a very short amount of time. AngularJS Development Services provide a fantastic option for chat-based applications that require data transfer in real time.

# Weather Apps

Many of the world’s most popular weather apps, including use Angular. Angular is the perfect tool for this niche because it allows you to create interactive interfaces & stream real-time data. Further, for creating Weather apps, you can take expert help from an established AngularJS Development Company in USA, India, UK & other tech-trendy nations.

# Social Media Apps

Most popular and dynamic social media apps, such as LinkedIn use Angular. Angular is an ideal solution for such applications because it can handle quick updates, communication, large data, etc.

# Job Portal Apps

Angular is a popular tool for creating job portals such as Upwork & AngularJS allows you to make quick updates and it’s easy to use. Angular is a great choice for apps that needs frequent updating.

Top AngularJS Applications

Angular is being used by large applications as well as small-scale developers to build cross-browser-compatible applications. Here are some big names from the software industry who support AngularJS in achieving cross-browser compatibility.

a. Lego

Angular is the official website of one of the most important play material producers in the world. They specialize in interlocking brick-based toys and are also one of the largest manufacturers of toys. The Lego website can be viewed on any browser & is fully responsive.

b. PayPal

Paypal is one of the most popular Internet payment firms. It is used worldwide by users on mobile & desktop computers. The use of Angular can be used to create a compatible, secure, & responsive website that can handle large volumes of traffic without causing any issues.

c. Netflix

Gone is the time when you used to have to sit at the TV waiting for your favorite TV series or movies. It is becoming more and more popular to watch streaming media everywhere, at any time, on any device. Netflix is the biggest entertainment company that focuses exclusively on streaming media.

AngularJS Development Services power the entire desktop as well as the mobile app. Netflix users will be able to say that the site can effectively handle millions in internet traffic and still stream media for their viewers.

d. The Guardian

The Guardian is a major arena for publishing, design and sponsorship of many awards in the creative sector. AngularJS can create the user interface. All users love the application’s dynamic behavior and compatibility with different browsers and devices.

e. Freelancer

The largest platform for business owners and professionals to engage in collaboration and learn from each other’s needs. You can develop this online marketplace using the most recent version of Angular.

As you are now aware of AngularJS, you can start your app development now. But for maximum effectiveness of your projects, you must get in touch with a top-notch AngularJS Development Company in USA, India and more.

Last Say

AngularJS has been a favorite among developers for its ease of use & simplicity. This is especially important in light of the proliferation of marketing techniques that has made it more difficult to evaluate the value of products among stiff competition. To be successful, you must identify the right tool for your company, no matter how complex the task. AngularJS has many advantages and features that make it a clear winner.

To make yourself a tough competitor in the market, you can take the expertise from MobileCoderz, an established Mobile App Development Company. We, at MobileCoderz, with our in-depth knowledge of AngularJS Development, offer comprehensive, custom-tailored solutions catering to the precise needs of our clients & partners.

MobileCoderz has focused more on the creative side of Development consistently because of our experience delivering AngularJS solutions for various industries.

MobileCoderz also stresses innovation & customer-centricity more than anything else. In addition to its highly experienced team of developers, MobileCoderz further provides dedicated support to ensure quality, time delivery, and ROI for all levels of organizations.

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How Much Does it Cost to Hire Angular Developers? Tue, 08 Mar 2022 09:56:32 +0000 Are you looking to hire Angular developers? Angular is a famous framework that has a wide range of powerful features to build dynamic applications for web and mobile devices. While there are many new technologies available in the market, Angular still has significant demand. However, this technology has some better alternatives, businesses hire Angular developers […]

The post How Much Does it Cost to Hire Angular Developers? appeared first on MobileCoderz.

Are you looking to hire Angular developers?

Angular is a famous framework that has a wide range of powerful features to build dynamic applications for web and mobile devices.

While there are many new technologies available in the market, Angular still has significant demand. However, this technology has some better alternatives, businesses hire Angular developers to build advanced or complex-level web applications. 

If you are also searching for Angular developers, here in this article, we will give you the latest information about how much does it cost to hire Angular developers. This post will give you extremely useful tips that would help you save significant costs in your Angular development project. 

But before we begin, first understand 

Key Factors That Affect The Cost of Hiring Angular Developers

1. Complexity-level of Features

Features are the backbone of an application. It determines the entire structure and functioning. An application may include simple or complex features which impact the development process and its overall things. The more complex the features would be, the higher time it would take to make it fully functional. As a result, it will impact the cost of hiring Angular developers. 

For example, if you want to create a location-based web application using Angular which would include GEO technology, real-time location tracking, data processing, and the inclusion of AI-based algorithms. These functions will require additional time and effort in the Angular development phase which ultimately requires experienced or proficient Angular programmers to enable such advanced functionality. 

If you are developing a simple or moderate level Single Page Application (SPA), it may take between 400-950 hours in the entire development. Hence, if you hire dedicated angular developer for such project, it would cost you somewhere between 9500 USD – 22,500 USD. 

And for creating complex level SPA, it may take about 600-1200 developing hours. So, how complex your application features need the required time in the development which ultimately affects the hiring price. 

2. Size of Projects

Angular is mostly used for developing web applications for ranging business requirements. This framework can provide you with solutions for small to large-scale projects. How much time does it take to complete your project with Angular depends on the type, development methodology, and size of an application. And AngularJS developers will take time accordingly in developing the application. So what is the size of your project determines the overall cost of hiring Angular developers which are as follows-

# Small-Size Projects

A small-size project includes the essential or foundational functionalities and features that usually takes less time and developing efforts. These applications are used by small and medium-scale companies. If your project requires simple or minimal level features, it won’t impact much on Angular developers to make it functional to the final stage. 

They can deliver such apps at ease with less effort and time. Because your application doesn’t include any advanced-level features, developers also wouldn’t need to add any additional or premium plugins or integrations. This would eventually save a significant amount of development resources. 

# Medium-Size Project

Medium-size projects require greater development than smaller projects. These apps may include high-scale operational features with third-party integrations and APIs. This integration may be free or available in paid versions. So depending on your application needs, Angular developers will need to add such integration to enable the function you want. 

# Enterprise-Size Projects

Enterprise-scale projects require high-level functionalities. These applications include advanced features, better CMS tools, and premium APIs. Apart from this, enterprise-scale projects may need a dedicated team of Angular developers, QAs, testing teams, and DevOps tools for delivering solutions as per the project requirements. Enterprise-scale projects sometimes need highly advanced technologies to build custom solutions which may additionally impact the overall time and efforts in the development. 

3. Skills of Angular Developers

This is one of the most important factors that affect the cost of hiring Angular developers. The skills of Angular developers decide how much they are fit for your project. The more they have knowledge, the better they can create the application using Angular technology. While you search for the best angular developers for hire, you should ensure they must hold good skills in the below things which are highly essential in Angular development

Architecture: This involves multiple modules and components related to Angular. It is embedded with MVC at its core but works fine with an MVVM architecture. Your AngularJS developers must have sound knowledge to enhance the performance of your application that gives a better user experience.

Templates: Angular developers must hold knowledge of templates and how they can be implemented in the application. They should be familiar with required third-party libraries which can improve functioning and build a great user interface in your application.

TypeScript Expertise: Angular is written in TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript programming language. TypeScript is a little bit tough to learn and requires a good level of intelligence to write error-free coding. Therefore, how much Angular develops and expertise in TypeScript programming affects the development process and timely delivery of your project. 

Development Tools: Angular has various additional development tools such as Webpack, Angular Material, Angular Schematics, Angular CLI, etc which are additionally used for making customized components and modules for your application. 

4. Engagement Model

There are several dynamic hiring models available. You can hire Angular developers based on different factors like an hourly or monthly basis. Many Angular development companies provide flexible services or hire Angular developers to businesses as per their managing project requirements and budget. 

However, there are mostly two types of models available in the market.

  1. Fixed Hiring Model
  2. Dynamic Model
Fixed Price Model Dynamic Hiring Model
Clients only give their project requirements for a fixed model Clients have the freedom to choose the number of developers and look for skills as per their project requirements


Once the agreement is signed whole duty of project delivery and implementation lies on the company


This is a dynamic model where you can accommodate the cost and project delivery depending on your business goals


Cost and deadline of project delivery is fixed before the development starts


Clients can constantly take updates on their project development process


A dedicated project manager controls the whole project without client consultations


Flexible teams which can work as per client’s demands 


Evaluation of the development of the project and ensuring compliance becomes time-consuming


As clients have direct control over the developers, tracking the project development progress and ensuring compliance is smoother


What is the secret to hiring the best Angular developers?

You have now understood the various hiring models that are available in the market. So you must feel excited to look for the developers for your Angular development project. But before you start your project, take a minute of pause and think about how you would ensure that you hire the best Angular developer for your project? Is there any secret behind making the right selection of developers?

Well, the only secret formula to hire angular programmers is how much you properly understand your project. Developers will charge for every minute they spend on your task. No matter whether you are keeping them free or fully engaged in the entire cycle of project development, it would be your responsibility to fully utilize their skills and experience throughout the period or timeline for which you have hired them. You should have some basic knowledge of Angular technology to accurately assess their skills and expertise and control them as well so you drive a better ROI from your hiring investment.

Therefore, to ensure your hiring decision goes well, you should write clear and comprehensive project details that allow developers to decide whether the skills and experience match your project. You should clearly define what exactly you want and what are the critical things that you don’t want to compromise with the final solution. 

Cost of Hiring Angular Developers

The cost of hiring Angular developers depends on many factors which we have already discussed above. But in general, there are some common and essential factors that decide the overall cost. 

  • Experience of Developers

How much experience does an Angular developer hold decide the cost? The more they are experienced, the higher they would charge. There are mainly three major levels of experienced develops available which you can hire

a. Junior developers

They are fresh graduates or beginner-level programmers who hold 0-2 years of experience in Angular development.

b. Mid-level developers

These developers have sound essential knowledge and experience of between 3-5 years.

c. Senior developers

They are the most experienced developers who hold more than 6 years of experience in using ANgular technology. They are well-versed in using other technologies like cloud, SCSS, Cordova, RxJS, AWS with Angular can deliver an advanced solution for your project. 

  • Location of Developer

From where you are hiring develops is one of the major cost deciding factors. Different countries have different hiring prices. For example, if you hire Angular developers in India, it would cost you around $30-$50 per hour rate. In North America, the price may go up to $81-$100 per hour rate. 

Average Price of Hiring Angular Developers in North America


Average Price of Hiring Angular Developer in Asian Countries

Similarly, ASIA, Europe, Australia, every country has different pricing rates for Angular development. 

Country Average Cost Per year
India $7,500
Malaysia $14,800
Singapore $43,112
USA $96,100
Canada $120,000
Mexico $14,102
UK $84,125
Sweden $38,254
France $41,854
Australia $73,480
  • Type of Angular Project

Angular is a robust technology. It uses TypeScript programming which is a little bit difficult to learn. It offers multiple types of functions to develop different projects and constantly the rice also varies.

Type of Angular Development Technology Requirements Average Hourly Rate


Basic Front end development It includes front end fundamentals-HTML, JavaScript, CSS, AngularJS, jQuery $10-30+
Medium-Advanced Front end It goes beyond fundamentals and incorporates other robust technologies such as CSS frameworks, CSS preprocessors LESS/SASS, and React. $35-100 +
Basic Back End It contains back-end fundamentals- databases like MySQL, Node.JS, Express, RESTful APIs, Lambda functions $25-50 +
Medium-Advanced Back end It goes beyond fundamentals that include cloud services like AWS, back-end JavaScript frameworks $50-100 +
Full Stack Developer Combination of front end and back and development expertise. It includes MEAN (Angular, Node.JS, MongoDB, Express) $50-100 +


Hiring an Angular developer is not a complex task that you need to put a lot of effort into. It depends on how much you are clear about your project requirements, business goals, and expectations from the developers. 

While there are many freelance sites also available from where you can hire professionals, hiring developers from a professional Angular development company makes a sensible decision because they will ensure everything is secure and give you reliable services for your project.

And if you are looking for a company that can provide you industry’s best Angular developers whom you can fully trust, contact MobileCoderz. We have full-time dedicated Angular developers who have delivered many successful solutions for our international clients for their different business requirements. You can hire them depending on your needs at the most affordable rates. 

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