Top Reasons to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

Did you know that over 42% of software developers used React Native around the world according to a 2020 developer survey? Today, React Native mobile app development has become a very popular development approach for developing mobile apps. Undoubtedly, it is an ideal method for businesses to quickly develop cross-platform apps for iOS and Android devices. In this blog, we are going to learn the top reasons to choose React Native for mobile app development. 

Let’s First Understand What are Cross-Platform Applications? 

Cross-Platform Applications

Cross-Platform apps work on multiple operating systems by using the same codebase. Thus, a business can write an app once and it could run flawlessly on Android, iOS, and Windows operating systems. These apps save a lot of time and resources usually spent in the development process. Moreover, top companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Skype develop their cross-platform apps with React Native for Mobile App Development.

So why do businesses prefer React Native for Mobile App Development? Let’s learn about React Native first!

What is React Native?

React Native is a very popular JavaScript framework released by Facebook on March 26, 2015. This framework helps developers to build cross-platform apps by infusing the web development concepts into mobile app development. Thus, it is possible to hire react native app developers to develop your own cross-platform app with the latest JavaScript version. Moreover, the framework enables faster development while maintaining the user experience. React Native for App Development also helps businesses to greatly overcome the limitations of Native App Development. 

Why React Native is So Popular?

Developers consider React Native as the perfect combination to develop apps with native UI. Facebook’s role in developing the framework has gained trust among the developers. According to a developer survey conducted by Statista in 2020, React Native is the most popular-cross platform framework used around the world. Thus, we can say that its growth and adoption rate will continue to grow and overtake other cross-platform frameworks.

Which Apps are Developed with Reactive Native?

The huge popularity of React Native for Mobile App Development makes it an ideal choice for leading businesses to quickly develop their apps. Before we learn about the top reasons to choose React Native for mobile app development, let’s see some of the popular apps built with this framework; 

  • Salesforce 
  • Pinterest 
  • Walmart 
  • Bloomberg 
  • Wix 
  • Myntra
  • UberEats 

The growth of React Native for mobile app development isn’t slowing down in the near future. In fact, it has already become the most widely used solution for cross-platform mobile app development. It is a great alternative to Native App Development for developing mobile apps. 

Top Reasons to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

1. Affordable and Cost-Effective 

Every emerging business is looking for affordable and cost-effective approaches to develop their mobile apps. Thus, React Native provides them with the best budget-friendly development approach to save both time and money. By saving time, you are able to quickly deploy your app to market without any hassle. Plus, it is easier to hire react native app developers in comparison to other developers. You can consult a React Native app development company to start developing your own React Native app. 

2. Low Development Efforts

Emerging businesses don’t want to give a lot of effort into the mobile app development process. Thus, they prefer React Native for mobile app development because it can reduce the efforts by at least 45-50%. It could be a significant factor for businesses that want to focus on other critical business processes. Plus, the businesses can easily use the same code for other platforms such as Android, iOS, and the web. When you hire React Native app developers, you don’t need to worry about rewriting the entire code from scratch for different platforms. React Native code is compatible with all the platforms. 

3. Compatible with Third-Party Plugins

The rising businesses want to build custom mobile apps to create a unique identity in the market. However, this might not be easy with other cross-platform development frameworks. React Native framework supports a huge variety of JavaScript libraries. Thus, you have the option to integrate these plugins into your app to improve performance and functionalities. 

4. Easier Debugging

Bugs are going to stay no matter how well the development process goes. Debugging in cross-platform apps is more effective than in native apps because a single fix can be applied to other platforms as well. React Native for mobile app development makes it a lot easier to make changes in a mobile application. Hiring a React Native app development company can help you reduce the bugs in your cross-platform app. 

5. Simpler Framework 

React Native is a simple framework for developers who understand JavaScript. The less complex coding and ease of learning make it very easy for businesses to hire react native app developers. A React Native app development company like MobileCoderz has complete expertise in using the framework for cross-platform app development. 

6. Personalization Options 

React Native for App Development is very popular for its ability to deliver personalized UI. Furthermore, when you choose this framework, you are able to provide a better and more personalized user experience on the mobile app. A top-rated mobile app development company often chooses React Native for mobile app development. 

7. Work Under Tight Deadlines 

Businesses that are in a hurry to quickly deploy their app and capitalize on the market prefer React Native for mobile app development. Furthermore, the right mobile app development company can help you to work under tight deadlines with the React Native framework. The ability to quickly deploy mobile app solutions has become very important for start-ups and emerging businesses. 

8. The Familiar Programming Language 

React Native is entirely based on JavaScript. Thus, the development team won’t require you to learn an entirely different language and coding syntax. They can apply their existing knowledge of JavaScript to the project. Any developer with a working knowledge of JavaScript or React can get started with React Native for App Development. The developers just need to learn a bit about which web components correspond with mobile components. Ultimately, this helps businesses to save a lot of resources usually spent on hiring specialized talent for mobile app development.  

9. Easy Transformation from Web to Mobile App 

React Native for mobile app development is known for infusing web development techniques with mobile app development. Thus, businesses are able to quickly convert their web projects into fully-functional mobile apps. This modular nature of React Native allows programmers to reuse the code with multiple platforms and deploy apps faster. A mobile app development company can help you to transform your web project into a cross-platform mobile app with ease. 

10. Better Memory Optimization 

Using React Native for app development consumes very less memory space on different devices. In fact, there’s no requirement for cross-bridge linking, which consumes a lot of memory. Thus, you should hire react native app developers from a React Native app development company for effective memory optimization. 

11. Pre-Existing Components

Developing mobile apps from scratch requires a lot of time, resources, and expertise. However, React Native provides a lot of pre-built components that can be used to carry out various functions. 

12. The Huge Online Community Support 

Being backed by Facebook, React Native has a huge online community that works for the betterment of the framework. Thus, this would greatly help you in your development cycle to overcome challenges and seek guidance from the community. You will find plenty of support to build your cross-platform app. You can learn more about React Native app development guide

13. Amazing UI/UX 

Developers prefer React Native for mobile app development to focus on building amazing user experiences for mobile devices. In fact, the framework enables high responsiveness and intuitive use for multiple devices and with different screen sizes. Above all, the UI/UX is the most important part of an application to leave a positive impact on the users. 

14. Amazing Stability and Security 

Stability and security are two major concerns of businesses while developing their mobile applications. React Native is a highly reliable framework to ensure security. Moreover, the cross-platform app development framework gives amazing stability with its robust architecture. To take the best advantage of React Native framework, you should hire react native app developers. 

15. Access to Native APIs 

A React Native app is able to take full advantage of the native platform APIs. Plus, it is also possible to reuse the existing Swift, Java, Objective-C, or C++ libraries. This comes in very handy when you want to achieve high-performance, multi-threading, etc. React Native for Mobile App Development makes the UI seem just like JavaScript rather than a framework. This approach provides high-end responsive results, enabling you to create feature-rich mobile apps.

The Right Time to Use React Native for App Development 

  • The Time When the App has Medium Complexity 
  • When the Business is on a Limited Budget 
  • The Time When Building the App from Scratch 
# The Time When the App has Medium Complexity 

React Native for App Development is often considered ideal when the required app has medium complexity. This framework helps the developers to take the advantage of a number of reusable components instead of building everything from scratch. 

# When the Business is on a Limited Budget

Budget is a significant factor for emerging businesses while developing a mobile app. Reactive Native app development is a very cost-effective method for developing cross-platform apps. In fact, it works with a single codebase, which reduces the efforts and time to a big extent. Ultimately, you are able to reduce your React native app development cost

# The Time When Building the App from Scratch

Building a mobile app requires a lot of effort and time. Thus, cross-platform development with React Native framework makes sense if you are building an app from scratch. There are a lot of pre-built components that can help you develop faster. 

The Wrong Time to Use React Native for App Development 

  • The Time When the App Would Work Better with a Dedicated Operating System 
  • When the App Has a Complicated UI/UX
  • The Time When the App Requires High Maintainability 
# The Time When the App Would Work Better with a Dedicated Operating System 

There are certain times when the mobile app is only suitable for a specific operating system. You have to do complete market research to learn where your prospects actually fall. Thus, it would be best if you do a comprehensive study of your users and understand the acceptance rate. 

# When the App Has a Complicated UI/UX

Even though React Native allows the development of fast and reliable apps with JavaScript, developing Native apps gives you the ability to develop apps with more complicated UI/UX. If your app requires a higher level of customization and hardware capabilities, investing in Native apps would be better. 

# The Time When the App Requires High Maintainability 

If your app requires constant updates and maintenance, then React Native for Mobile App Development might not be the right solution. In fact, it takes a lot of effort and work to constantly check the React Native documentation. 

What is the Cost of Developing a React Native App?

There can’t be a direct answer to this question because various factors determine the React native app development cost. Thus, you must consider them to get a fair estimate yourself. To develop a fully-functional React Native app, you have to consider features, app complexity, platform, development team, and the time to complete the project. 

At MobileCoderz, we take the most cost-effective React Native app development process to help you build high-performance, scalable, secure, and reliable apps. We are a leading mobile app development company with years of proven experience in developing cross-platform mobile apps. Above all, our team follows a client-centric development approach with Agile methodologies. 


React Native for mobile app Development has huge potential for businesses who want to quickly deploy their cross-platform apps on multiple platforms. In fact, businesses with a restrictive development budget can greatly benefit from this framework when they hire react native app developers. The framework can drastically reduce the time to market and help businesses to save resources. If you are ready for React Native for Mobile App Development, then you should collaborate with MobileCoderz for a world-class mobile app development process.

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